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Later that day, the meeting he had called was taking place in the conference room. I sat quietly in a corner, only paying attention in case Mr. Jeon needed something, notebook and pen in hand.

Now that he had the file, the meeting went on smoothly and the rest of the team seemed relieved by it.

I was still a bit taken aback by his treatment in the morning, especially after the night we had, but I guess I should have expected it. That was his modus operandi, it was just how he worked.

I just thought that, I don't know, he would at least acknowledge the whole thing instead of just pretending it never happened.

As I pined over the whole ordeal, the meeting happened and ended. When I focused back at the moment, people were standing from their seats and leaving the room.

Mr. Jeon typed on his laptop, a little frown between his eyes as he focused on it. He always did that when he was working, and for whatever reason, I found it extremely appealing.

I waited in my own seat, not standing just like he hadn't, waiting to see what his instructions would be.

- Grab a pen, Ms. Kim. – he uttered, not diverting his attention from the screen as he talked, just expecting me to do as he said. – Schedule a meeting with the lawyers ASAP, to discuss the latest version of the contracts I asked for. I'll forward you a file via email, send it to Ms. Song and tell her to take care of it.

My brain had shut off. I could hear what he was saying, I could understand it and scribble it down on my notepad, but I wasn't paying an ounce of attention whatsoever.

Instead, I was watching his mouth moving, and remembering all the wicked things those lips did to me last night. And those fast typing fingers, and how he held me as he ...

- And don't forget to retrieve my tux at the dry cleaners. – he finished, not even sparing me a second glance.

Wouldn't you like me to help you put it on, sir? Or maybe peel it off later? I thought sarcastically, internally rolling my eyes at the task assigned to me. Apparently, we were back to playing boss and maid, just like my first day.


- What was that, Ms. Kim? – he asked, only now glancing away from his computer and focusing solely on me. – What did you just say?

Oh, shit!

Had I said that out loud?

- Nothing, sir. – I lied through my teeth, looking down and writing in my notepad to escape his gaze.

- It most definitely sounded like something. – he insisted, leaning back on the chair and crossing his arms in front of his body.

- Nope, just thinking aloud, sir. – I answered, not daring to look him in the eye.

He stayed motionless for a moment, analyzing me. Then he stood, walking to the door. I let out the air in my lungs in relief, thinking he had dropped the issue and would just walk away and leave me to collect his things.

Instead, he closed the curtains on the glass walls and locked the chromed door, cocooning us in the space. He then walked to me and stood just beside my chair, hands deep in his pockets, waiting.

I was watching him through my peripheral vision, looking down. He was intimidating in this mood, and I wasn't certain what exactly he wanted from me at this point.

- Not going to look at me? – he asked, voice tinged with a little smile.

I swallowed, considering I wasn't fast enough to run for the door, unlock it and manage to leave the room before he caught me.

- I find it very amusing that sometimes you just stare me in the eye and demand what you want, and then other times you won't even return my gaze. – he mentioned, sitting on the edge of the long table, right beside me. – Like last night, when you flat out told me to take you.

I groaned and closed my eyes, both a little ashamed of how I behaved and a little hotter than before, remembering what he had done to me.

- What are you doing? – I asked, finally looking up.

- I'm not following, Ms. Kim. – he answered, head tilting to the side. – What are you referring to?

- This! – I said, standing and motioning between us. – Yes, we had sex last night, and this morning you're back to your arrogant usual mode, commanding me about. You didn't mention a thing the whole day, mostly ignoring me, might I add. And now you're locking doors and teasing me about it. – I babbled, frustration coming out in every word. – What do you want?

- What? You thought that something was going to change because of what happened last night? – he inquired, eyebrow arching. – That, what? I had madly fallen in love with you?

- No, but I thought we were two consenting adults, who could deal with this without the drama, and the pestering about.

- I'm still your boss, Ms. Kim. – he stated, standing as well, little space in between us.

- You conveniently forgot about it last night, when you started touching me.

- So did you. – he rasped, his voice a little deeper than before. – I told you to tell me to stop, more than once, but instead you urged me on. You held me by my neck and offered yourself to me. Asked me to ...

His voice trailed off, the heatwave surrounding us as we stared at each other. I was hypnotized by his lips as they moved, the mixture of annoyance and desire in his eyes as he talked.

- I am just a man, Nari. – he concluded, shaking his head in frustration. – I'll do what is right and stay away, but don't ask me to deny you when you all but begged me to touch you.

His eyes beckoned me to him, and even though we were asserting just how inappropriate this was, all I could focus on was how delicious his touch felt.

So I went on tiptoes, touching my lips to his and almost immediately felt him holding me by the waist as he kissed me back. His groan of defeat was low in his throat, as I held onto his arms to keep steady.

This kiss was different from last night.

It wasn't desperate and furious, the need to feel our bodies against each other, ruling the motion. This was another type of need, to feel something deeper, something more real.

He explored my mouth trying to memorize every corner, and I felt as if I could stay there in his arms for the rest of my days.

It was sweet.



Except it wasn't.

Breaking away, I took a step back, looking anywhere but him. He was right, of course. It was extremely inappropriate and I had offered myself to him. If I had said no, he would've let me go and nothing would've happened.

It was my fault this was awkward now and we both knew it.

- You're right, Mr. Jeon. – I said, gathering my things from the table without sparing him a glance. – This is wrong and inappropriate, and I take full responsibility for my actions.

- Nari ...

- It won't happen again, sir. – I concluded, walking to the door with an impassive face. – You have my word.


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