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As I entered the office the next day, exactly on time – because I had barely napped for an hour after getting home – might I add, Sora looked at me sympathetically.

- How was your night? – she asked, a friendly smile in place.

For a moment I stood there, thinking why on earth she was asking me that. There was no way she could have known about the elevator ordeal, or my sleep clouded thoughts towards my boss.

And then it hit me.

She was asking about the file I had stayed late to finish.

Yeah, well.

My brain was still sleep clouded, and I was almost certain that no amount of caffeine would make it better.

- What night? I didn't even sleep. – I answered her, yawning almost on cue.

- You stayed up all night? – she questioned, horrified.

- Sort of. The power went off with me inside the elevator. – I clarified, omitting the part where my boss had been with me. – Just my luck.

- Aish, that's awful.

Agreeing with her, I bowed and fled to the coffee room.

Taking my mug with me to my desk, I powered the computer, hung Mr. Jeon's suit in the closet so I could take it to the dry cleaners on my lunch brake, and sat down.

Drinking the hot liquid slowly with my eyes closed, I thought about the revelations of the night. How the man that ran this building and his business with an iron hand could also be so caring and kind.

He just didn't let people see it.

He must be extremely lonely.

Not that it was any of my business.

I had nothing to do with the fact the man went home to find a dark and empty house, devoid of life and anything else.

Who knows, maybe he doesn't even go home.

Again, none of your godamned business, Nari!

- Ms. Kim? – came the voice from the entrance.

The smooth voice I kept hearing in my head saying "Goodnight, Nari".

Girl, you are so screwed.

- Yes, Mr. Jeon?

- I thought I wouldn't see you this morning. – he said, walking until he reached the side of my desk.

He had a coffeehouse cup in his hand. Black suit and black tie contrasting with the ivory shirt he wore. Hair parted to the left, bangs brushing his lashes as he tilted his head to look at me.

Something simmering in his eyes.

- No, sir. – I proceed after some time. – Arrived just on time as per usual. I don't scare that easily. – I continued, jokingly.

- So I see. – he uttered to himself, gulping the last of his coffee and putting the cup down on my desk. – If you could dispose of this for me?

I nodded, almost smiling as he headed inside his office.

The man was a box full of surprises, that was for sure.


The day had gone on surprisingly fast, considering my slow paced mind.

Mr. Jeon had gone to all his meetings, taken all of his calls and was now working on something in his office.

I had taken his suit to the dry cleaners along with some other of his shirts, brought him lunch and still found the time to get ahead of schedule of a file he would need next week.

We hadn't interacted much apart from the brief conversation when he arrived and the occasional "There's someone on line one for you, Mr. Jeon" throughout the day.

It was calm and peaceful.

Just as the thought hit me, the intercom to his office rang.

- Yes, Mr. Jeon?

- Step in here, Ms. Kim. – he said curtly, not even giving me time to respond before he cut the connection.


Standing with my notebook and pen on hand, I knocked softly on his door before entering.

He was on the phone with someone, and he didn't sound very happy.

- I don't want to hear your excuses. – he stated, annoyance clear in his voice. – You had a deadline, which you postponed twice. You better fix this and do it fast.

The person on the other side mumbled something that didn't impress the man in front of me one bit.

- I don't care what you have to do, or how much it will cost you. You either deliver results tomorrow morning or you can kiss this business – and any other you thought to make with us – goodbye.

Disconnecting the call and mumbling under his breath, something I most likely wouldn't like to hear, he turned to his computer, typing furiously on his keyboard.

I stood quietly in front of his desk, waiting for further instructions.

When the man was in this type of mood, it was better not to mess with him.

Once he finished whatever he was doing, he turned to me.

- Ms. Kim, I need you to set up a meeting with the Min Solutions' lawyer and representative. Tomorrow if they can. Also, call Lee's office and let them know we need to negotiate on their initial proposal because I don't think they are being reasonable with that offer.

I scribbled his words on the paper, making sure not to forget anything and earn some of his attitude as well. Also making a note not to be as straight forward in my calls as he was directing me to be.

- Now, summon Ms. Song up here ...

- I'm sorry, Mr. Jeon – I started, knowing I was interrupting him at my own peril. – Ms. Song hasn't been in the office this afternoon.

- Where the hell is she? – he questioned, huffing in exasperation and fully expecting me to have an answer.

- I wouldn't know, sir.

- Well, find her and tell her I have an urgent matter to discuss with her. – he stated. – Today. And don't mince words, Ms. Kim. Do say exactly what I just told you, and if she or anyone else argues, tell them I said "or else". Are we clear?

- Certainly, sir. – I ushered, pen poised on my notebook, ready in case he wanted something else.

When I didn't move for a whole minute, he looked up a me, brows arching in defiance.

- Do you require any further instruction on how to use a phone, Ms. Kim?

- No, sir. – I answered, gulping the lump past my throat.

- Then move along, Ms. Kim. I don't have all day to chat you up.

Walking as fast as I could without actually running, I bolted for my desk to do exactly what he had instructed me.

Ms. Song wasn't happy about it, but she hid it and said she'd be around in thirty minutes. The other calls went on a bit smoother, but the listener equally confused by the urgency of the meetings.

I didn't offer any explanations, for I had not quite understood it myself.

But among the whole ordeal, I had realized that despite his state of annoyance and slight anger, he had not been a jerk to me.

He did say exactly what was on his mind in the bluntest way possible, true,  but had not been disrespectful.

That made me feel a little better.

A little more important than the others.


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