Sans Vore, Story 2

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Sans: zzZZ...
*Sleeping Sans. Papyrus very quietly slips into Sans' room and sits at his bed side. Papyrus opens his wide jaw and uses his tongue to pull Sans' hand into his mouth. Little by little, He pulls his older brother's arm into his mouth.*
Papyrus: Mmm...
Sans: zzZ- Hm? AH!
Papyrus: Hi Sans.
Sans: Holy Shit!
*I woke up with my arm half in Papyrus' mouth. He had big claws, animal like posture, and most important his mouth was huge. His tongue was long and thin, webbing on the corners of his jaw, and he was 3x my size.*
Sans: Oh God...
Papyrus: It's my turn to taste you!
Sans: You gave me a heart attack!
Papyrus: Nyeh heh.
*He pulled close and bit my hoodie, dragging me out of bed and carrying me like a baby kitten.*
Sans: Wha- Where are we going?
*He didn't respond. We got to the living room and he had already set up the blankets and pillows. He set me down on them and tipped me over with his snout.*
Sans: Papyrus, Please be careful with me...
Papyrus: Alright.
*He bit my shorts and pulled them off, same with my jacket and shirt. He then separated my soul from my chest and pulled closer to me. His mouth opened and suddenly I was completely in his mouth. I tried to yell but I wasn't heard. Papyrus tilted his head up and swallowed me whole. I dropped into his stomach as he laid down to get comfortable.*
Sans: Eh! It's slimy!
Papyrus: I told you your stomach was slimy, Why would mine be different?
Sans: Eh...
*I suddenly felt pleasure shooting through my body as I collapsed on my side.*
Sans: Ghh! Hhh~
Papyrus: Mmm~
*Papyrus had my Soul in his mouth and was using his tongue to please it.*
Sans: Hhh~ Mmhh... Papyrus~ S-Slow down- Ahhh~!!
*He gently nipped the sides as my body lost control. I moaned wildly and quivered in ecstasy, unable to control myself.*
Sans: Gaaahhh~! Ohh Fuck~ Papy Please~! I'm gonna- Ngh~ C-Cum! Ohhh Shhiit~!
*I released my sperm and moaned louder. Papyrus swallowed my Soul as I retrieved it. I kept shaking and panting hard while trying to calm down.*
Sans: Hhh... Oh Fuck...
Papyrus: You liked that?
Sans: Yes~!
Papyrus: I might do it again sometime.
Sans: Please do it again. It just felt so good~
*I held my pelvis and tried to calm down, didn't work well.*
Papyrus: Now what?
Sans: Relaxing for a moment.
Papyrus: Sounds nice.
*We laid in silence for a long time before we were both sound asleep.*

*3 1/2 Hours later...
Sans: zzZZ... zzZ- Guh!
Papyrus: Undyne! Don't hit me like that!
(Undyne? Uh oh...)
Undyne: Come on Papyrus! Fight me!
Papyrus: No! Not so rough!
(Shit. Undyne must've seen Papyrus like this. Does she know I'm here?)
*I patted the side of Paps stomach, indicating I was awake.*
Papyrus: Oh uh. Do you mind if I get something from my room?
Undyne: Go for it!
Papyrus: Thanks.
*I could feel Papyrus moving around for a moment before he stopped in his room.*
Papyrus: Sans?
Sans: Yeah?
Papyrus: Alright. You okay?
Sans: Yeah.
Papyrus: Undyne came with Alphys to hang out. They might be here awhile.
Sans: Oh jeez.
Papyrus: I told them you were at Grillby's and wouldn't be home for awhile.
Sans: Alright.
Papyrus: I think Alphys is waiting for you and Undyne keeps trying to fight me.
Sans: Oh...
Papyrus: Should I tell them I ate you?
Sans: Bad idea.
Papyrus: Should I release you?
Sans: Well... only if you want to...
Papyrus: Don't let my opinion make you do anything. If you want out, let me know.
Sans: That sounds like you want me here.
Papyrus: Maybe! Just choose!
Sans: I could stay.
Papyrus: I said don't let me decide!
Sans: Actually, I want to stay.
(It's so nice and warm. I feel so safe. I almost don't want to move.)
Papyrus: Well, I'll tell Undyne to be careful.
Sans: Okay.
Papyrus: You ready?
Sans: Yeah.
*I felt him get up and move again.*
Undyne: Yo Papyrus! I got a game we could play!
Papyrus: Oh? What is it?
Undyne: It's called Dragons! Your the Dragon and I try to kill you!
Alphys: or we could play my game...
Papyrus: Hmm... What's your game Alphys?
Alphys: O-Oh! I-It's nothing like D-Dragons... I-It's like where one person is the Mommy a-and the other players are children. I-I-It's stupid, just thought you'd make a good Mom with your tummy like that...
Undyne: What do ya say Papyrus?!
Papyrus: Well heh... Could we play Alphys' game?
Undyne: What?
Alphys: R-Really?
Papyrus: Well, my body being this big it makes it hard to move around. Maybe a calming game might help me a little.
Undyne: Sure!
Alphys: Yay!
*Papyrus leaned over and onto his side.*
Alphys: I-I know it's dumb but, could Papyrus be Mom? I-I only say because he kinda looks pregnant...
Papyrus: Nyeh heh! Sure!
(Do I look like a baby?! No!)
Alphys: S-So we do things like uh...
*Alphys moves to Papyrus' arms and hold his hand.*
Alphys: Could I go shopping Mom?
Papyrus: Yes dear! Be back in an hour.
Undyne: Than what?
Alphys: W-Well I go out and go shopping then come back.
Undyne: Sounds a little boring...
Alphys: Oh...
Papyrus: Wait! Could you be babies? Like Undyne could be a toddler and Alphys a newborn?
Undyne: Yeah!
Alphys: Yes!
*Undyne started making baby noises while Alphys got on all fours. Undyne got on her knees and toddled around the room, yelling baby things.*
Undyne: Agoo! Ba Ba do she! Hah Hah!
Alphys: Raw!
*One of them rubbed Papyrus' Stomach and laid next to him, leaning on him. I could still hear Undyne Stomping around so it had to be Alphys next to Paps.*
Papyrus: My word Child! Your so rough! Come give Mommy a hug!
Undyne: Nuu! Nu huggie!
Alphys: Come gib mama huggie!
Undyne: Nu!
*She ran up the stairs and stood on the railings.*
Papyrus: Uh, be careful sweet!
Undyne: Nu!
*Undyne jumps off as Papyrus caught her in his hand. Alphys stuck her head up and rubbed Paps side again, as if like some kinda cat.*
Undyne: Heh Heh! You got me!
Papyrus: Undyne, you could get hurt like that.
Undyne: I'll land on my feet if you don't catch me!
Papyrus: Still...
Undyne: I have an idea!
Papyrus: Wait- What are you doing?!
Undyne: Ride the Dragon!
Papyrus: No ride the Dragon!
*Undyne Sat on Papyrus' head and hugged him. Alphys quickly poked Paps' side, nudging me a little.*
(Uh oh...)
Papyrus: Undyne!
Undyne: Wee! Hah ha!
Papyrus: Get down!
Alphys: Undyne! Be careful!
Undyne: Yay!
Papyrus: Come here!
*Papyrus snatched Undyne up and put her on the ground.*
Papyrus: Please no rough house! I'm tired.
Alphys: Actually.... Papyrus?
Papyrus: Hmm?
Alphys: I uh... I think I know why your stomach hurts...
Papyrus: Oh? Why's that?
Alphys: E-Ever heard of something called... V-Vore?
Papyrus: Uh- No!
Undyne: Woah Alphys. Are you accusing him of eating someone?
Alphys: I-It's just a theory!
Papyrus: W-Well, I've Never eaten anyone! Ever! So let's scratch that off! Cuz I'd never do that!
(Damn it Papyrus! He's such a bad liar...)
Alphys: Papyrus?
Papyrus: Y-Yes?
Alphys: Who have you eaten?
Papyrus: No one! What are you talking about?! I didn't eat Sans! Stop asking questions!
Alphys: You ate Sans?!
Undyne: Holy crap!
Papyrus: N-No! I didn't! I didn't eat him! I didn't! He's fine!
Alphys: Well... Okay... At least you didn't leave him in for to long...
Papyrus: Yup!
Alphys: You didn't leave him for to long? Right?
Papyrus: O-Of course! W-Why would I do that?!
Alphys: Papyrus?... Where is he?
Papyrus: Outside! At his Station! Not here!
Undyne: This is horrible!
Alphys: Is he here now?!
Papyrus: Uh, heh heh...
Alphys: Papyrus. H-Has he said anything for awhile?
Papyrus: Uh... Not since you two showed up.
Undyne: He was... Ech!
Papyrus: It's not that bad! It's like this nice warm, kinda wet, snuggle room! That's only a few inches around...
Alphys: Did he eat you before?
Papyrus: The day before yesterday. He was like me and I was his height. But I didn't stay in for more than 20 minutes!
Alphys: That's fine! Just... How long has Sans been in there?
Papyrus: Uh.... Dear God! Sans?! Are you alive?!
*He jumped up and onto all fours again.*
(Jeez. I'm okay. Don't flip out like that.)
*I moved my hand and Patted his stomach lightly.*
Papyrus: Hang on, Okay?
Alphys: Keep breathing!
Undyne: Oh God! This is going to make me sick!
Alphys: Well, Papyrus might have to release him soon. So Undyne, this is your warning.
(I'm not in danger, am i? Oh, part of my body is asleep. Must've slept weird.)
*I squirmed a little before regaining feeling in my body.*
(Oh God. His stomach is squeezing my body. I can't move well... but it's still warm. Now it's just comforting. I could almost fall asleep here...)
Papyrus: He's not moving. Sans!
Alphys: Sans! Keep breathing! Don't fall asleep!
(Damn it... What's so wrong? I mean yeah it's a stomach, it's slimy, it's kinda tight, and I can't move well but this isn't so bad. My skull hurts but that's it.)
Alphys: Oh Sans. Papyrus, I hate to say this but he needs out. How long has it been?
Papyrus: What time is it?
Undyne: Uh, almost 3pm?
Papyrus: That's like 3 and 1/2 hours! Holy Shit!
Alphys: He needs to come out Now!
Undyne: I'm going outside!
*Undyne left and Papyrus laid his chest to the ground.*
(Wow, I've been here for almost 4 hours. That's the digestion rate! Oh god! I'm gonna die! Is this what death is?! Is oddly dark and wet. At least it's warm and comfortable, kinda. Its more tight then comfortable. Really tight. Shit! This is bad! Very bad!)
Alphys: How do you know he's even alive?
Papyrus: He will pat my sides or squirm around.
Alphys: See if he can come up.
Papyrus: Sans! Come here!
*I reached my arm out but couldn't move anymore.*
(The walls are caving in on me. My chest hurts so much.)
Papyrus: Oh God.
Alphys: Papyrus, open your mouth. Tip your head forward and no matter what, Don't Swallow!
Papyrus: Okay!
*Around where my hand was opened up a little. Alphys reached her hand in and felt around for a moment. Her fingertips grazed mine as she squeaked.*
Alphys: He's okay. Grab my hand!
*I stretched a little more and grabbed her hand. She quickly pulled on my arm as I squirmed around to get free.*
Alphys: I have him! Hang in there Sans!
*She kept pulling me until I could see light.*
(Is this what it's like when the doctors revive you? I have so many questions.)
*I pushed my other arm out and grabbed Alphys' other hand. I started to breach so as I caught my breath I yelled.*
Sans: Ah! Is this what labor is like? Have I been born?
Alphys: Sans No!
Undyne: Is it over yet?
Sans: No! We're half through with the delivery! Haha!
Papyrus: Nah!
*Papyrus tried to yell my name but failed. As he yelled his throat closed in on me. All I heard was a loud crack then my own screaming.*
Sans: AHH!
Alphys: Papyrus! Don't Swallow!
Papyrus: Mph!
Undyne: I'm going back outside!
*The process pulled me back a little and caused a searing pain in my chest. My hands were shaking and my heart was pounding hard. Alphys pulled my arms harder. Papyrus finally coughed me up as Alphys moved aside. I hit he ground trembling as Alphys dropped next to me.*
Alphys: Oh no!
Papyrus: Sans!
Sans: Ngh...
Alphys: This is why I told you don't swallow!
Papyrus: I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Sans! I didn't mean to.
Sans: At least I wasn't Sea Section! Heh! *Cough*
Papyrus: Sans No!
Alphys: Sans. You okay?
Sans: Heh, Fine! Just, out of breath. You don't get born every day!
Papyrus: Stop!
Sans: Heh! Heh he. *Cough* Woah, heh...
Alphys: What?
Sans: Hhh... I could almost feel that in my lungs... Uh...
Papyrus: You okay Sans?
Sans: Yes Mommy. Heh- *Coughing* oh fuck...
Alphys: Papyrus, could you get me a pillow? Like off the couch?
Papyrus: Yeah.
Alphys: Sans?
Sans: Are you my Sis-
Alphys: No. Stop making jokes, and please don't laugh. Just take deep breathes. Okay?
Sans: Okay... Hhh...
Papyrus: Here.
Alphys: Okay. Thank you but could you get me a first aid kit?
Papyrus: Sure.
Alphys: Can you feel this Sans?
Sans: I honestly can't feel anything. I can't see straight either...
Alphys: Oh Stars...
Undyne: What happened to him?
Alphys: Papyrus accidentally- Nothing...
Papyrus: Here Alphys. I'm so sorry Sans...
Alphys: Just don't look. Okay Sans?
*I couldn't help but look dead down. She had put the pillow inside my ribcage. All along the sides of my ribs were cracks and breaks, blood dripping down the sides. Alphys was taking the bandages out and looking at my chest carefully.*
Sans: Oh God! Wh-Wh-What h-happened?!
Alphys: I said don't look!
Papyrus: I'm sorry Sans!
Sans: Oh God. It hurts. Did he do this?
Papyrus: Yes...
Sans: Oh Paps...
Alphys: Put your head up!
*I tipped my head up and closed my eyes. I really didn't feel pain but just looking at it hurt.*
Sans: I'm scared...
Undyne: I am too...
Papyrus: Is he going to be okay?
Alphys: He'll be fine. Just needs more time...
Undyne: What did happen?
Alphys: When you swallow, your throat closes up and pulls things down into your stomach. When Papyrus swallowed, I practically crushed Sans' ribcage...
Sans: Oh God...
Alphys: How does it feel?
Sans: I'm scared. Nothing hurts but my lungs feel a little heavy.
Papyrus: I'm so sorry...
Sans: Its okay Papyrus. You didn't mean to...
Alphys: Okay. This won't help much, but it'll heal... eventually.
Undyne: How and why did this happen?!
Papyrus: Its complicated...
Undyne: Why are you a giant dragon-like monster?! Why did you eat him?!
Papyrus: Its complicated!
Sans: We aren't sure why these things happen. They just do.
Alphys: Try not to talk, Sans.
Sans: Okay...
Papyrus: I'm so sorry Sans. This is my fault! I shouldn't have eaten you, or left you for so long!
Sans: You didn't mean for this to happen. I shouldn't have made that joke.
Alphys: Hush Sans.
Sans: Okay...
*Alphys had me bandaged up but left the pillow there. Everything was swaying and a little dark, but I was okay.*
Papyrus: I'm sorry...
Alphys: He's going to be okay.
Undyne: This is horrific...
Sans: I think I'm gonna take a nap...
Alphys: Maybe not on the floor.
Papyrus: Here.
*Undyne gently put me on Papyrus' back. Papyrus carried me upstairs and into his room.*
Papyrus: You can sleep in my bed for now.
Alphys: Try not to get up for awhile. Okay?
Sans: Mhm.
Papyrus: Sorry Sans...
Sans: Your okay Papyrus.
Alphys: Get some sleep. Focus on healing.
Papyrus: Sleep well Sans.
*I slowly drifted off. The others left the room as I fell asleep.*

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