Snake Sans, Story 2

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*I woke up this morning to find that I had no legs or feet, but in its place I found a long and thick snake tail. It was a icy sky blue with black blotches across the back. I slithered out and into the hallway and called out to Papyrus.*
Sans: Papyrus! You still home?!
Papyrus: Yes! What did you need?!
*He called from down stairs. I slithered closer to the steps and looked down. The steps looked too steep to go down like this so I remained upstairs. Papyrus poked his head out of the kitchen to look at me.*
Papyrus: Did you need- Nyeh?
Sans: U-Um...
Papyrus: Oh? Your a snake...
Sans: Yeah...
Papyrus: L-Let me help you!
*Papyrus dashed upstairs and hugged me in an attempt to pick me up. He struggled for a long while before giving up.*
Papyrus: Grr... Your so heavy like this!
(I'm not that heavy, am I?)
Sans: I uh...
Papyrus: I didn't mean that! I mean your weight hasn't changed much!
(Gusse I am pretty heavy...)
Sans: oh...
Papyrus: Wait! I mean your heavy but your size didn't change!
(I didn't think I was that huge... Oh God, I really am fat...)
Sans: Stop please...
Papyrus: No! No! I mean-
*I reached over and put my hand on his mouth.*
Sans: Spare my feelingss and hush, or continue and Hurt me...
Papyrus: Right... I'm sorry...
Sans: Its okay... Just leave me upstairs for now...
Papyrus: No! I don't want you to be alone!
Sans: Its okay Papss.
*I slithered into my room and near my bed as Papyrus followed me in. He came up behind me and hugged me.*
Sans: I'm okay Papyrus.
Papyrus: Okay, but maybe if I pick you up from behind I can get you!
Sans: Papyrus...
*He held my chest and struggled again. He kept trying to pick me up, adjusting and moving some. He eventually tried to pick me up from my side.*
Papyrus: Come on Sans!
Sans: Papyrus, this isn't working...
Papyrus: No! Your not heavy! I will prove it!
*He adjusted his hands around my waist, one from behind and the other... His right hand grabbed my vagina and squeezed me.*
Sans: Gah! P-Papyrus!
Papyrus: Just bear with me Sans!
Sans: St-Stop touching me for a sec!
*He pulled off and looked at me. I curled my tail around my waist and blushed a light blue.*
Papyrus: What is it?
Sans: I-I just need a b-break...
Papyrus: Um, Okay... Sans?
Sans: Y-Yeah?
Papyrus: Why do you... you look so horney...?
*My face turned a blue color as my body tightened up.*
Sans: I uh...
*He put his hand up then immediately looked at the blue 'slime' on his fingertips.*
Papyrus: What is? D-Did I touch you?
Sans: Mhm...
Papyrus: Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't notice or mean to! I suppose I should be more careful now huh?
Sans: ...
Papyrus: You okay?
Sans: Yeah...
(God, let him touch me... No! That's wrong! But... I still want to be touched...)
Papyrus: Come here.
*Papyrus came close and hugged me. I pulled him down trying to meet eye level with him but he fell on top of me. His body wrapped around mine slightly and his crotch rubbed mine for a moment.*
Papyrus: S-Sorry. I can't stand very well right now.
Sans: Its okay. Just be careful.
*He kept wriggling around on top of me, putting the bulge of his bottom armour piece against my vagina and caressing my hips.*
Papyrus: Hhh~
Sans: P-Papyruss?
Papyrus: Hm? Oh!
*He pushed back and looked at me. I had laid back so he was practically pinning me onto the floor.*
Papyrus: Sans! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do this! I got so caught up in my heat I wanted to... to touch you...
Sans: Y-Your in heat?
Papyrus: Unfortunately, yes...
Sans: I uh...
Papyrus: I'm sorry! I'm disgusting and need to control myself better...
Sans: Papyrus...
Papyrus: Yes?
Sans: Do you... Do you want help?
Papyrus: Wh-What?
*I reached up and stroked his erection. He blushed a bright orange and let out a startled yelp.*
Papyrus: S-Sans?
Sans: Yeah?
*I kept stroking him while he squirmed on me.*
Papyrus: Th-This is wrong...
Sans: Sso?
Papyrus: S-So you shouldn't touch me there...
Sans: I know.
*I pushed my hand down in his armour and groped his cock. He moaned quietly as I did. He grabbed my hips and held me tightly, squeezing my waist with his legs.*
Papyrus: Oh Stars~ Sans~
Sans: Yeah?
Papyrus: I love you so much~
Sans: I love you too bro.
*He leaned forward and kissed me. He tried to stick his tongue in my mouth but I poked mine in his first. I would flick my tongue in and out quickly, licking his teeth and tongue. I kept squeezing his cock as he would moan in delight. He pulled away and Sat on me for a moment.*
Papyrus: Nyah~ L-Let's get off the floor...
Sans: Of coursse. Where too?
Papyrus: Follow me.
*He pulled off and lead me to his room. He signaled for me to lay down so I did. I laid down then he climbed on me, pulling his armour off as I took my clothes off.*
Sans: Thiss better?
Papyrus: Yes it is.
*He reached down and stuck his fingertips inside my vagina as I squeaked quietly.*
Sans: Gah~ Papyruss~
Papyrus: You like this?
Sans: Yeah.
Papyrus: May I...?
Sans: Yeah!
*My tail whipped back and fourth in anticipation for his entry. He pushed the head of his cock inside me as I let out a quiet moan.*
Sans: Hhh~
Papyrus: Stop me if you need to okay?
Sans: Okay.
*He quickly thrusted into my body as I let out a surprised squeak. He proceeded to thrust into my body roughly as I moaned in delight. My tail whipped back and fourth, curling some as he fucked me.*
Sans: Gaahh~ Papyrusss~ Oh Starsss Yess~! This is Really Good! Mmhh~ Yess Papy!
Papyrus: Hhh~ Oh yeah! This feels *Grunt* Great!
*He held my waist and thrusted into my body. I tipped my head back and loled my tongue.*
Sans: Yess~! Papy Please! Oh Starss! Hhh~! Sssaahhah!
Papyrus: Hhh~! I'm so close! Just a little more! GAAHH~!
Sans: Oh Sstarsss~! Papsss!
*He released his cum inside me as I hissed in delight, trembling slightly. He was holding my back up as he thrusted a few more times.*
Papyrus: Oh my~ That was amazing!
Sans: Yeah!
Papyrus: Thank you Sans.
Sans: Thank You!
Papyrus: I will be right back, okay?
Sans: Yeah.
*He stepped out of the room while I caught my breath. He came in with a towel and cleaned me up.*

Fontcest Shtuf (A Foncest Multi Book Story)[Discontinued]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن