Chapter ♞ 8: Mixed Feelings (1)

Start from the beginning

"He can sleep just not on me!" You didn't know why you were reacting this way, but you could feel your cheeks getting hot. Maybe you were agitated.

Hikaru moved in his sleep, and mumbled, "Stop Kaoru." And latched onto your waist.

Kaoru? He thinks I'm Kaoru? Kaoru is out of town today, but he knows it's me right? 

You convinced yourself that he was just having a dream, but that idea changed throughout day.


"Hikaru this isn't a house. It looks like a hotel." 

He grabbed your hand softly and started running towards the front door.

"It isn't my fault that my father is a big spender. If he buys something, it has to be the best."

Your heart was beating a little faster when he held your hand, but you noticed he was unfazed. It was as if holding your hand meant nothing. You opened your mouth to say something but then closed it. It didn't matter, you two were just friends anyway.


"You got way to much stuff. We only need like half of it for the project." At the moment both of you were in a livingroom that was about twice the size of your large apartment alone. You both sat on the floor across from each other as you both started.

"No, that's the thing. I want it to be huge, like twice the size of a normal one. So when it explodes everyone will get soaked."

Sometimes he could act like a kid, and it was cute.

"That isn't the point of the project."

"Aw, come on! Kaoru would've love that idea."

What does Kaoru have to do with it?  


You went silent and looked down at the paper mache you had been doing. An eerie silence grew as you did your thing, and Kaoru started to finish the inner structure of the volcano. 

"Hey, Y/N is something going on with you and Kaoru?"

Your mouth went dry at the mention of him and you got stiff. 

"No, nothing." 

"That's what he said, but I'm not stupid. I saw the way he looked at you."

"You mean with hate?" 


You were getting upset, and crumpled that paper that was in your hand unknowingly. 

"Nothing. It's nothing. Let's just get this over with, like you wanted to okay?" 

"What are you talking about?!" Hikaru raised his voice a bit, which was unlike it. He was currently pouring two boxes of baking into the structure -most likely to test it out- but stopped.

"What are you talking about? Kaoru is usually more straight-forward. You should try to be. I'm just confu-"

"I'm not Kaoru! Why do you keep comparing me to him?!" You crumpled what was in you hand and through it at Hikaru.

It it him in the head and he dropped a whole bottle of vinegar inside the volcano by accident.


"Is that all you can say? What?! Ever since I've been here you keep mentioning your brother and saying how much I'm not like him, or that he would agree with you! As soon as this is over we don't have to talk to each other anymore..."

You felt choked up and hung your head down, and felt tears coming out of your eyes, and streaming down your face.

You hated when you cried.

You heard Hikaru stand up and walk towards you but you shouted at him to stop going near you.You didn't want him to see you at your worst, and frankly you were pissed at him.

"I'm sorry, I just don't know how to act around you..." He went towards you any, and titled your head up. His eyes looked sympathetic, but they were watering as well.

"If you cry, I'm gonna cry so please stop. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel so... I can't explain..."

So he didn't. Instead, two moments later, you felt two soft lips on yours. It was forceful, and you guys weren't to close but it was enough. It was perfect.

"Stop crying." He mumbled against your mouth, before kissing you again. You both could feel sparks, but maybe it was the erupting volcano you accidentally made him set off. Liquid was going everywhere. 

But that moment was soon over when an already upset Kaoru walked into the room. He already wasn't happy, and this didn't help.   

A/N Things just got interesting. Comment what you think is going to happen, or what you want to happen! 

I love you ♥


Stuck in the Middle [Hikaru, Kaoru] | ♡Where stories live. Discover now