The other gift was 2 very old encyclopedias from the late 1880s.

"They were all that survived of a fire that happened here many years ago. I found them, as a child. I know you like old books."


I pulled her close to me and gave her a long gentle kiss.

"I love the gifts."

I stared into her eyes.

"And I love you."


I got up and headed for the door.


"You leaving?"


"No," I laughed.

"I will be right back."

I went to the car and got Sheila's gift from the back seat.

I hurried back inside.


Sheila was just pouring us a glass of wine.

She passed it to me, as I passed her the gift.


"Merry Christmas."


Her eyes opened wide as she opened the gift box.

"Oh my God."

She stared at me, tears in her eyes.

"They are beautiful."


I moved in closer to her and took the necklace from the box. While she held her hair up, I put it around her neck.

She jumped up and went to a mirror on the wall nearby.

She turned to me, smiling and crying at the same time.

"It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."


I walked to her and put the bracelet on her wrist.

"You are far more beautiful," I told her, as I fastened the clasp.


We kissed long and gentle.




We both started laughing, when we heard Henry's comment, on seeing us kiss.


Sheila started toward her son.

"Come 'ere, i gives you a big wet kiss."


Henry screamed and ran out of the room, Sheila chasing him.


I stayed at Sheila's until just after midnight.

As much as we both wanted to spend the night together, we felt that Henry might not be ready for me staying over.

I kissed her goodnight and asked if she wanted to join me the next day, when Bobby and Jessie came over.


"I can't my love.

Henry's grandparents are in the province. My late husband's parents.

They are at his sister's, in Gander, so they want me and Henry to come out and spend a few days. His grandmother is very sick and this might be the last chance she will have to see Henry."


"Oh. So how long will you be gone?"


"I will be back for New Year's Eve.

Honestly, Will. I just found out today and I really couldn't say no."


I gave her a gentle kiss.

"Of course you couldn't. What time do you leave?"


"We fly out at 5 am."


I took a deep breath.

"Well, just don't forget me while you are gone."


She laughed and hugged me.

"How could I forget the man I love. I will call you every night, except tomorrow night, because I am sure that the three of you will be in the recording studio all night."

She remembered that Bobby and Jessie were coming to my house.


I nodded.

"Probably. But call me from the airport before you board the plane, so I can say goodbye."


She agreed and I left.


As soon as I got to my house, I started a fire and turned on the Christmas tree lights. I then poured a drink and picked up the guitar.

I put the strap around my neck and stood in front of the big bay window, playing gently.

I figured that Whisper would hear the music and join me.


I could see a light in the hallway, through the reflection in the window.

I finished playing a song and reached for my drink . When I looked back out the window, I saw her standing at the entrance to the living room; her image reflected in the darkened window.


I turned slowly.

She was walking toward me.

She looked to be maybe 10 or 11 years old. Shoulder length hair and she was wearing a nightgown.

But her face.

She had the most beautiful face I have ever seen. Big eyes, a little pug nose and the most amazing smile.


I took off the guitar, lay down my drink and knelt on the floor.

She stood right in front of me.


Neither of us said a word.


She stared at me for the longest time and then touched my face with her hand. It was like someone blowing gently on my skin.

She put her arms around my neck and held tight.

I could feel her.

I put my arms around her.


I could hear her sobbing gently.

"I love you Daddy. Thank you."


"I love you too Whisper."

She slowly faded. 

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