Although, as busy as I was, she often slipped my mind and I actually felt like I had a normal life, especially when all 5 of us were sitting around, sharing a sandwich and beer, joking around and being ...


But she was a part of my life and I knew, that at some point, if I was to have a future with Sheila, then she would have to know about my ghostly friend, who was also a huge part of my life.


By December 21, I was beginning to doubt that we would even finish the project.

Bobby and I were standing in the middle of the bedroom. All the wiring and plumbing was done. And all the special cables and outlets were all hooked up, but there were no finished walls or ceiling. And the hardwood floor was scratched and gouged to shit, by all the activity.

The fixtures were not even set up in the bathroom and there were no doors up.


"Shit," I sighed.

"We will never get this done."

I let out a long breath.


Bobby slapped me on the back.

"Will, my buddy. Don't be so negative, but I think we will need some help, to git it finished by the 24th."


"A lot of help, by the looks of things."

I was beginning to doubt myself, about even starting the project.


Bobby stood in front of me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Will, do you trust me?"


I nodded. I really did trust this man and his wife.




At that moment, Sheila and Jessie walked into the room.


Bobby went to Sheila.

"Take Will here and the two of you get lost. You have to buy stuff for this room, don't you?"


Sheila looked at me, nodding.

"Sweetie? You do need furniture and such."


"I know, but ..."

I looked around.

"There is so much to do."


Bobby turned me around, toward the door.

"You and your woman get out of her. And I don't want to see either of you for a couple days."


"I can't do that," I stammered.

Whisper immediately came to mind, even though I had not seen her in nearly a week.

What would happen if she suddenly showed up?


Sheila kissed me.

"Sounds like a good idea. We have a lot of shopping to do and I would love some alone time with my man.

I could get John to look after Henry and maybe we could even spend a few days in Corner Brook, alone."


I had to smile. The awkward fear that I had, about being alone with Sheila, was gone and the prospect of spending some real alone time with her, was bringing a smile to my face, along with a pounding heart.


I kissed Sheila and turned to Bobby.

"Can you get this done?"


Bobby nodded, as he took his cell phone out of his pocket.

"You go. I will get help. We will get this done."


I shook his hand.

"Whatever it costs."


He nodded.

"Oh, it will cost you my friend," he laughed.

He looked to Jessie.

"Call Peter and see how many guys he can round up."


She nodded, taking her cellphone from her breast pocket of her jacket.

She looked at Sheila and me.

"Are you guys still here?"

She glared at us.

"Get the hell out of here."


Sheila kissed me.

"I will go home, pack an overnight bag and talk to Henry and John.

Meet you in an hour or so."


My heart was pounding so loudly, I could barely hear myself talk.

"Okay my love."


She kissed me again, whispering in my ear.

"I love you, Will Templeton."

She didn't wait for my response.


I picked her up an hour later and we drove straight to Corner Brook and straight to the Glynmill Inn Hotel.

We didn't start shopping until the next morning.

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