Sun realized, he was bathing in a pool of blood from the many faunus.

F/N: Hate me if you will, call me the most bad. Indeed maybe I'm the worst human being has ever lived.

Orange aura started to escape from the mask. The aura around him started to radiate.

Sun uses his staff to go flinch Blake away from the Rebel and used himself as a meat shield.

F/N didn't do anything

F/N: You interrupted our conversation, isn't that a bit rude?
(ikr he's a hypocrite for crashing a ceremony)

He went to sun and grabbed him by the neck then he raises the monkey faunus.

He struggles to get out of the choke.


F/N: Stand in my way and you have no escape from me.

He took off his mask to reveal his eyes that emits a red smokey aura.

Sun glared at his eyes directly.

Sun suddenly struggled and his eyes turned all white. His veins started to appear on his neck, arms, body and legs. His skin tone starts to be saturated in violet.

Roman points the gun cane towards

Roman: Without a moment's hesitation. It's Kill or be killed!

Before roman could fire his cane gun, Ruby pounces on him, saving F/N from the gun shot.

F/N stopped choking Sun and drops him. Sun crouches and pants.

Sun: (breathes heavily) Gaaargh!

He holds his neck checking it if it's all right.

Blake: Sun!

Blake went up to Sun so quickly.

Blake: Sun are you okay?

Sun: Who the hell is this dude?!?!

Blake: Highlander, but I've never seen this power before.

F/N looks over at Roman, he saw that Torchwick was laying on floor and his head rolling towards F/N's shoes.

F/N traced the blood trail and at the end it was Ruby wielding her scythe and she's covered in blood.

F/N: You finally showed.

Sun: Hey! Are you really highlander? I've never seen such abilities that the highlander possessed.

F/N: Do you know why you, your friends the media, internet, and other people never knew it before?

Sun: No, w-why?

F/N: Because no one got to live after seing it. No one was alive to tell the story.

Sun: Hahaha what? You must be joki--- huh? ---

Blake: Sun! You're eyes are bleeding!

Sun: What have you done!?!?

F/N: This is lethal tempo

F/N snaps his finger as Sun's eyes pop and bursted out some blood towards blake's face.

Blake: SUUUUN!!! I'LL KILL YO---

Ruby used her speed and passed through them. The silver eyed girl stopped with her scythe coated in blood.

Blake: Huh?

Blake realized her abdomen was sliced open.

Ruby: "Never get to live after seing it" huh? I saw it, do I die aswell?

F/N approaches Ruby slowly as the cute girl who just killed her former team mate waits for him.

Ruby: Their aura, it was weakened.

F/N stopped close to Ruby

F/N: Their aura cowers in my presence.

Ruby: Will you forgive me? Give me another chance?

F/N looks over Ruby's shoulder and stares at the corpse of Blake, the cat faunus' finger twitched. The corpse starts bathed in it's own blood.

F/N looks at Ruby's face and noticed, she wasn't sane anymore.

F/N: We're neither good nor bad. I am the captain of my own ship.

F/N cups Ruby's cheek.
Ruby stares at him directly into his eyes.

F/N: Aren't scared to to look at my eyes?

Ruby: Why would I be? I just fell in love with them.

A/N: Hey ho! What up? update! Vote if you liked it and comment down your opinions. Thanks for the support!

Lean with it, dab with it.

"No Petals, All Thorns" - (Cheated And Hated Ruby x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now