
John laughed.

"I don't think you have to go to that extreme."


"I want to."

I did the math in my head.

"That would be about $4 a kid, give or take."

I took two $50 bills from my wallet.

"That should cover it."


Sheila nodded.

"If there is anything left over, I will let you know."


I shook my head.

"No, just put together $100 worth of treats and give them all out."


She nodded.

"If that's what you want, Will."


John put his arm around my shoulder.

"Well come on, me son. Lets us go and yarn a bit."


We went into a small office in the back of the store.

John immediately offered me a drink of scotch.

"See boy, I appreciates the gud stuff too."


We clinked glasses and we sat down.


"So, what brings you into the village. We hasn't been seeing much of you."


"Been busy, getting settled in. Pretty much got everything the way I want it now, but I was wondering if you might be able to help me with a few things."


"See what I can do."


I sipped the scotch. It was a pretty good vintage.

"Well I was wondering about snow clearing for the winter."


John nodded.

"Yea, that could be a problem, me son. See the highways does our main road and dats about it. A couple of da men in da village have ploughs on the front of their trucks, but that is pretty much it.

I don't be seeing the highway going all the way to your place, unless you makes some kind of arrangement with government and da highways department."


I thought as much.

"Is there anyone in town that can operate a tractor?"


John nodded.

"Actually boy, I can. I used to do some heavy machinery back years ago, before I wrenched me back. Now Ise on pension and government subsidy. Plus I have the store and such, but ...

yea. I can drive one of dem tractors."

He laughed.

"What's you thinking about getting' one?"


I nodded.

"What would it cost?"


"You serious?"


I nodded. I had to have my road ploughed or I could be stranded all winter.


John took a deep breath.

"'Bout $250 thousand, ifin you bought it new. Used, youse mite git it for half that."


I shook my head.

"Not used."

I sipped the scotch, thinking.

"If I buy it, will you make sure that the roads are always clear here."


John leaned forward.

"You be serious?"


"Very. But I don't know anything about operating it, although, if I get this, part of the deal is that you tech me to operate it."


"Me son. If youse buys this village a tractor, I will personally make sure you have the best road on da Island and I will see to it dat you be able to operate it."


"What about gas and repairs and such?"


John shook his head.

"Don't be worrying about that. I will look after all of that."


"Will you look after purchasing the tractor?

Just let me know when you have one located and how much it will cost and I will get a certified cheque for it."


He offered me his hand.

"And don't be worrying about the diesel and repairs. I'll git the peoples here to chip in and help."


I nodded.

"Well if you need money, you just come and see me."


John sat back and smiled.

"I tinks I likes you, Will, me son."


"Oh. One other thing.

Do you think I would be able to get some locals to build me a shed and garage on my place?

I kinda forgot about that when I drew up the plans, but I intend to get a small pickup in the spring and I think it would be to my benefit to have a garage big enough for my vehicles."


John laughed.

"Don't you be worrying about a garage. Come next summer, youse will have a big ole garage and shed. I will see to that personally."


"Thank you."


"Can I asks you a personal question, Will?"


I nodded.


"You don't be one of dem Mafia types dat is in hiding or something. Is you?"


I had to laugh.

"If you want to know what I do for a living, John ...

I guess you could say that I am an investor. I came into some money a few years ago and I made some fantastic investments in Yahoo, Google and a bunch of other internet sites and technology companies.

I don't have to work. But I want to be an active member of this community and I want to help, any way I can."


John nodded.

"Well, Will, me son. Welcome to the Rock. Maynard's Rock."


We toasted one more time.

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