"It is my brother."


I turned around. John Maynard was coming toward me, hand extended.

"Nice to see youse again, young fella. I see Sheila has been rummaging through the back room."


I nodded.

"I will take both of these bottles. I figure $750 to be a fair price."


John thought for a moment.

"What price did Sheila say?"


I laughed.

"$20 a bottle."


He nodded.

"Then $20 a bottle it is."


I was shocked.

"I can't accept that. These are collectors now."


He patted me on the back.

"You seem like an honest man, Will. If memory serves me well, I paid about $100 for both of those bottles, some 20 years ago.

Why don't you make me a fair offer."


I took out my debit card.

"$750 and not a penny less."


John shrugged.

"Do as the man says, sis."


I thanked the Mayor and paid for my purchase.

Sheila wrapped them in old newspapers and put them in a box for me.


"I was wondering if you could bring me in a case of Glenfiddich 12 year old?"


John nodded.

"I will check on the price and let you know."


I nodded, smiling.

"And I did come here to talk to you about a couple things."


"We can go into my office if you want?"


I nodded.

"First I have to ask about Halloween. I don't really expect anyone to come all the way out to my place, but I would like to do something for the kids."


Sheila smiled.

"That would be a nice gesture, Will. What did you have in mind?"


I had no idea.

"How many kids are there?"


"Maybe 20 or so that will actually go door to door. A few of the older kids go too, but more to be a nuisance than anything."


I looked around the store.

"Well what about we give each of the kids a soft drink or juice, along with a chocolate bar and a bag of chips. Does that sound good?"

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