Life:It happens

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I brushed as much of the striking white cat fur from my legs covered in the elastic black material. "Ill be back tomorrow" I called before stepping to the welcoming mat, shutting the large door tightly behind me. I pulled the warm metal keys from my back pocket and opened the car door. It sat rubbing in the drive way as the cold winter air was replaced by warm vanilla scented breeze.

When the fog making the windshield opaque withdrew, I started towards the road. The bright orange light flickered off and the red one shone. Inside of the arm rest, I pulled out the small white and blue box housing seven pale sticks and a black lighter. Extracting one I herd the hot flame to the end taking a deep breath in.

The light flashed again transforming to green, and a dulled honk was herd directed from behind me. The lighter was flung to the seat and I drive past the bordering white lines. The opened window released the warmth and the thick grey cloud wandering about the vehicle.

As it warmed my finger burning close to the golden strip I flicked the tiny bud out of the window. The cold wind blew through my hair until the glass rose from the door covering the whole. Minutes later I arrived outside of an assortment of flats. The balcony of each varying by a mile.

I approached the building sliding the silver key into the lock of a cold door knob. A blast of warm air hit my face as I stepped into the room dimly lit by the colour light of the television. "How's your dad?" a deep voice questioned peering over the couch. "The same as always" "Well you look quite depressed." "I look this way ask of the time"

I brewed myself a cup of hot green tea and sipped it while collecting the container of black berries from the refrigerator. Shaking the translucent container under the focet, the access water dripped out as I walked towards my room. "Night Ryan"he loudly spoke as I entered the room. "Night Matt"

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