"I wish I knew...But I knew I needed to actually go to you. I need you Kain. I need your help. I know you didn't want to come back so soon, but it's Luna. That's my daughter, Kain..."

He frowns at my words. "Darling, of course I'm going to help you. Luna is one of my best friends and you..." He drags off, looking away from my eyes. "I'd do anything for you," he whispers.

I let out a breath of relief and throw my arms around Kain's neck, holding him to me. He quickly gathers me in his arms and hugs me tightly. "Thank you," I mumble into his chest and he squeezes me before letting go.

"Why do you think they said you'd be of help?" I question Kain.

His eyes look distant for a few moments before he zones back in. "You said the woman had short black hair around her forties and always surrounded by suited men?" I nod slowly as he takes a deep breath. "Matilda Crow."

What? Kain knows who she is? How...

He sees my stunned face and quickly explains. "I was approached by the group of them years back when I was about to leave for Africa. One of her men tried to grab a hold of me, but I fought him off and she told him to leave me. She introduced herself as Matilda Crow and told me that I'd best remember her. Now I understand why..."

"None of this makes sense Kain. Why are they doing this?" I ask desperately.

"I don't know darling, but I promise we will figure this out. We're going to find Luna and bring her home," he tells me. "How long ago was the first letter?"

"Last week, we have a little less than three weeks."

He looks stressed for a moment, but covers it up quick. "Okay, we're going to be fine. Why didn't you tell anyone Charlie?" He questions.

"They threatened to kill Luna if I went to the police and Alexander has already been way over his head, I don't know how he would've reacted if I told him. Besides they were only addressed to me," I explain the best I can.

Kain runs a hand through his hair and starts pacing. "How did you get these letters? And you never explained the bruises... or why you have no ring on? Fuck, Charlie," he grunts out in a stressed voice.

"They've been delivering it to my apartment—"

"They know where you live?" Kain stops pacing to stare at me in exasperation.

I nod. "They knock and leave it at the door. I caught the guard the last time and chased after him. He wouldn't give me answers, that's how I got the bruises..."

"He touched you?" Kain asks enraged.

"I kind of jumped on his back to stop him and he grabbed my wrists to toss me off..." I say slyly.

He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair again. "As for the ring..." His eyes snap to mine. "Luna went missing a couple of days before the wedding, so obviously we couldn't get married. But, uh, we were, um, also having some problems beforehand and I took the ring off..." I avoid his gaze and bite my lip.

It's quiet for a few moments before Kain finally speaks up. "We have to book the next plan out of here," he surprises me by saying. He changed the subject, probably sensing my discomfort...

I look back to him and he stares at me softly. "Yeah, we do."

Kain and I head over to the only building with computers and Wi-Fi. I scold him along the way for having Wi-Fi this whole time and not contacting us. He claims it's new and they only recently installed it a few weeks ago. Kain greets several people along the way that eye me curiously.

"What are you, the mayor of this place?" I joke and Kain smirks.

"I may as well be, oh come on darling you know no one can resist my good looks and awesome personality," his smirk grows and he looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

I roll my eyes. "Oh of course," I reply sarcastically, making Kain chuckle.

We use the computer, which is incredibly slow to book a flight for tomorrow afternoon. We'll be picked up in the late morning. It's the earliest flight back and Kain needs time to say goodbye to everyone.

Once we finish Kain informs me that he has a class to teach in a few minutes and that he'd love if I sat in and met the children. I agreed happily, I'd love to know what Kain has been up to all these years. 


And here's your second update as promised, sorry it wasn't sooner my brother and sister-in-law had a baby this weekend so I've been busy being an aunt for the first time lol. Next update to come next week! 

-Julia :)

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