Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

It's been a week since I received that note and I've received another note a few days ago. I've burned all evidence. I don't know who this is that has Luna and I don't know why they have Luna, but what I do know is they know my secret. They know I'm a reincarnated soul.

The note implied it: Time is ticking and I see you have no leads. Time might not be something you worry about since you have all the time in the world, but I think you should start worrying now. Luna won't be around forever the way you will be...

I've been keeping this to myself because firstly the notes are directed to me and me alone and secondly because I don't want to put anyone in danger. This is my responsibility. Clearly whoever took Luna did it because of me.

Alexander has noticed a change in me, but hasn't really pushed me to explain myself since he's been so invested in finding Luna. I have too, on my own, but I don't even know where to begin. How am I supposed to find Luna on my own in a month with nothing to go by?

"I'm going to meet with the detective again," Alex says tiredly as he slips on sneakers.

I nod distracted. "Okay."

Alex has been going out with teams of officers and detectives to search for Luna the past week. They were able to recover the license of the car in the video surveillance at the apartment, but came up empty handed when they found the car abandoned on the side of a highway. That was just about the only lead we've had so far and it fell short.

"Maybe you should spend some time with your mom or James or anyone," Alex says a frown forming on his face. Since I got the first note I've spent a lot of time alone in this apartment researching and only going out if I think I've got a lead.

"I'll be fine by myself," I tell him and his frown deepens.

"Charlotte. I know things have been distant between us lately and with everyone trying to find Luna we haven't had times just to ourselves, not like I know we need, but please don't make me feel guilty. She's our daughter Charlotte..." He stretches out in an exhausted voice.

That's not what I was meaning... Not at all. I know she's our daughter that's why I'm trying to find her, but by myself. He doesn't know this, so he must take my sudden mood change as me being lonely or something.

"I didn't mean it sarcastically. I'm telling you honestly that I will be fine by myself," I say slowly so he understands I'm being serious.

His eyebrows furrow as he studies me. "Are you sure?"

I nod again. "Go help find Luna," I encourage.

He looks indecisive for a moment before kissing my forehead and heading out. As soon as he's gone I grab my laptop and start off where I left off yesterday. I was trying to get the identity of the woman behind the kidnapping. I knew it was a woman from what Wayne told me and I was able to conclude that she and her men were the same creepy group that was in the parking lot at my graduation. I only remember that she was a woman maybe in her forties with short black hair. She was wearing sunglasses and smoking a cigarette. There were about five or six men in suits around her. They were exactly what Wayne described as the group that took Luna.

I was trying to figure out the identity of this woman. I had gone to the school trying to get video footage of that parking lot on that day, but the security refused me. I told them that I thought maybe the group had something to do with the kidnapping of my friend and they looked sympathetic but told me to talk to the police and that they could get a permit to release the footage. Of course I can't do that so I was leaving defeated when a security guard ran up to me. He told me that he personally spoke to the woman that day. He told me how she said they were waiting for someone. That had made my blood run cold at the thought that they'd been planning this and were watching us...

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