"Why is She Like This?"

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"When we decide to go all out there's no way fire can stop us. Dragon slayer secret art: Holy Nova!" Sting yelled and hit them straight on.

Nastu had caught his fist with just one hand. Sting looked terrified. Rouge attacked Anna from behind but she hit him before he could strike her. Anna and Natsu dealt blow after blow in almost perfect sync.

The twin dragons were on the ground struggling to get up. They lifted themselves off the ground. They couldn't lose.

"Give us some credit. It's not like we assumed this would be easy" Sting said.

"I'm just disappointed I'm not fighting Gajeel" Rouge commented. Anna looked at Gajeel then back at Rouge. Anna hugged herself.

"No one can ever hurt my Gajy while I'm around!" Anna yelled.

"And here we see Anna from Fairy Tails famous mood swings" Anna's confidence melted.

"Mood swings?" Anna deflated. Nastu and the rest of the guild laughed. Anna pouted.

"I don't have mood swings!"Anna Shouts

Sting and Rouge's power sky rocketed. This brought their attention back to the twin dragons.

"Dragon force"

"they're not playing around anymore." Natsu told her.

"I guess we should stop playing as well" Anna said. Her face completely straight again.

Sting told Rouge to stay back. He really thigh he could deal with both of them at once.

The crowd was murmuring. Sting flew towards the two. Natsu and Anna were both fighting him, but Sting was able to match each of their punches. He threw both of them down and used his breath attack again. The while collosuim shook.

A huge hole was made in the floor just from one breath attack. The damage was unreal. Anna and Natsu fell towards the ground.

Anna caught herself on a rock and jumped up. Natsu attacked Sting followed by Anna's hell dragon talon.

Sting sent another attack their way. Light struck them over and over again. Anna was down. She was still trapped in her own mind.

Azreil you can't leave me all alone. Please no!" Anna was running around with Zeref the day after she finally broke free of Shadow Blood. In the end she was gone.

"Angraloth you have to be there. Please be there!" Anna ran with tears in her eyes. This couldn't be happening.

Anna's little eyes widened. Angraloth was gone to.

"No! Is this because I killed them. I didn't know what I was doing. I want in control. I swear! Please come back! Azreil! Angraloth! Mom! Daddy! Please don't go! I'm sorry" Anna fell to her knees. It was her fault. If she didn't kill them Mom and Dad would still be there.

Natsu kept attacking Sting while Anna just slumped into the rock. He was thrown at the rock next to Anna. They were  down.

"And the two dragons slayers Anna And Natsu from Fairy tail are down." the announcer spoke.

"The old gives way to the new. The old dragon slayers in the ground prove that we are true dragon slayers" Rouge began. Sting agreed with him.

"You better get up little sis!" Laxus.

"You psycho! We all know you're stronger than this! You almost took down Acnalogia!" Gajeel.

"Anna you must get up. You're never alone. Fair Tail is always with you" Erza.

Shadows Live In Heaven {Rouge x OC}Where stories live. Discover now