Flirt Till They Drop

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With Freed stopped for a bit, Anna had the lead. She raced towards the island and easily got there first. Anna grabbed a map and ran through route 8.

She didn't need to fight anyone because she was the first one there. She ran into Mira.

"Hi Mira!" Anna said happily.

"Oh that reminds me, something big happened on the boat with Elfman. He proposed to Evergreen!" Mira looked shocked. She jumped over to Anna and she spilled all of the details. When Mira wasn't paying attention, Anna used her illusion magic.

Mira saw Anna there still talking, but Anna really was already past her and taking a break.

A camp was set up already so Anna took advantage. She made herself some food and waited for Gramps to get there.

When he finally arrived Anna was pouring his some soup and plated some salad.

"Hey master can I tell you something?" Gramps nodded.

"I can feel Mavis here and I know where she is. Can I go see her?" Gramps waved her off and Anna left.

She walked to the library and grabbed a book. Mavis wasn't there. Her spirit was watching the other members.

"Anna!" Mavis yelled. Anna jumped up and ran to hug Mavis. They separated and Anna looked down.

"I just missed him huh?" Anna said sadly. Mavis nodded. They spent the whole day talking. When the sun had set, Anna made her way back to the camp carrying along a few books.

Mavis watched as Anna sat down on a tree and began to read.

"This one is special first master" night fell and Anna wound up asleep on the tree with her books balanced on the branches and one in her hand.

The master walked over to Anna early in the morning and grabbed the book she was holding.

"How to seal magic" he read aloud.

"Is there a problem Master?" Makarov shook his head. He couldn't figure out this girl. She hid her feelings by smiling, yet she is always hurting. He didn't know why, but it always seems like she's hiding something. Not to mention she seems to have a hatred for magic that she hides. She always tries to do things without magic first, no matter what the situation.

People began to arrive at camp. Evergreen and Elfman, Levy and Gajeel, Natsu and Happy, Gray and Leo, Lucy and Cana. Then the S-class wizards. Erza, Mira, then Gildarts. The ones who didn't pass the first round gathered as well. Gramps gave the results and and summed up what happened so far. It seemed that Evergreen and Elfman got through Mira as well.

Once everyone was there, Gramps explained the next part of the challenge.

"You must find the first masters grave. It's hidden somewhere on the island in a secret location." Everyone thought it would be easy.

"But there's two catches. You have to find it in six hours and Anna here already knows where the grave is she will be held back for three hours. Go on kids, get your head start!" Everyone took off. Anna turned to Gramps.

"How do you know that I figured it out already?!" Anna asked. Gramps just smiled and said he had his ways. Anna pouted.

Once three hours were up, Anna took off.

"You can't fly or run" Anna pouted and looked at Pandora. He shook his head and they began to walk.

"You know Pandora, something feels weird.." right when she said that, Anna felt a spike in magic power. It was so familiar. Anna didn't care who saw what she needed to see if she was right. She let her wings out and flew away from the grave.

"I was under the impression this island was uninhabited" Anna stopped flying. That voice.

She was about to run out to hug her brother but another voice popped in.

"Well it's not" Anna couldn't let Evergreen and Elfman see her.

Anna saw him stop and he clutched his head. Oh no! It's getting worse.

Suddenly, black surrounded him. Evergreen and Elfman passed out because of the pressure. Natsu saved them just in time.

Anna saw her big brothers reaction to Nastu. He was crying. Anna swooped down and grabbed her big brother. She took him to Mavis' grave. No one should be there yet.

When Anna touched down her wings, she tucked them back in and she put him down.

"Zeref! Big brother! I missed you!!" Anna hugged Zeref tightly. He put a hand in her back and pushed her away slightly.

"Wha- Big brother?. I don't understand.." Anna said. He took care of her. How could he be so cold now?

"Anna don't.." Zeref said quietly. He pushed her away and walked out.

"He hasn't changed" Anna like down. She knew Mavis was sitting on her grave the whole time, but Zeref couldn't see her.

Anna nodded.

"I suppose.." Anna sat down and hugged her knees to her chest. She finally saw Zeref after almost a year, and he pushed her away without saying anything.

A loud boom and shaking made Anna look up slowly.

"What was that?" Anna got up and ran towards the noise. Just then, a red flare shot up. Enemy attack? Does it have something to do with big brother?

A tower of fire rose from somewhere. Anna ran over there immediately. Wendy, Mest, Lily, and Carla were badly hurt. Natsu showed up soon after.

Soldiers surrounded them completely.

"Take care of those four. Pandora and I got these soldiers!" Anna yelled.

Defusing everyone's magic wouldn't work. There are too many of them. Fine. They would do this the easy way. Take them all out at once.

"Ice, make one thousand swords." A thousand ice swords appeared in the sky. Anna moved her hand forward and all the swords followed. They rained down on the soldiers, efficiently getting rid of them.

"I'm gonna go see if I can find anymore soldiers. Can you guys manage here?" They all nodded once and Anna took off.

Pandora picked her up. Anna  made more ice swords that hovered around them.

Anna found Cana, Lucy, Gray, and Leo quickly.

"Get in the middle quick!" Anna yelled. They all listened and Anna let the swords rain down again and took out more soldiers. She confined doing this until she couldn't find anymore soldiers. Now the only ones left were the seven kin of purgatory.

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