Chapter 17

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There wasn't long until we'd be sent to the safe haven, so I was in a frenzy, trying to come up with a plan while keeping it inconspicuous.

As of right now, the plan was to sneak him through the flat trans or however WICKED was planning on moving us. The only question was how he would do that. There were a lot of different options on how, but all of them had an a big issue that made it almost impossible. We could pretend he was one of the shanks that were still in the simulation, and hopefully the guards won't check. But if they do check, he's never making it out at all. We could dress him up as a guard and have him escort me, but that could mean even more trouble if we get caught. Or, we could go for the gusto: we could start a full on rebellion and bring not just newt, but everyone with us to the safe haven.

The last option is the one I'd been thinking about for a while. If there was a way to do it, I would definitely try, but it's risky. Most of the people we would be helping are from another group. I don't even know them. One wrong person and they could let the entire plan slip, and then what? WICKED knows what's going on, and then nobody gets out of here.

No, I just need to bring Newt with me. Chuck, Alby, Winston, they're all going to be fine. They'll end up in the safe haven, and the only person left here that I really care about is Newt. I just need to sneak him through the flat trans without WICKED noticing. And I needed to do the whole thing quickly, while convincing Newt to do it at all.

By noon, I couldn't come up with anything. There was no way to sneak Newt out without WICKED realizing. Even if they found out months from now, a simple flat trans and they'd be in the safe haven, right on our tails.


I got Newt through the flat trans, and had someone destroy it after we left. And then we destroyed the flat trans in the safe haven once everyone was through. It was a fairly simple plan, all we would need is someone to stay back and help us. Luckily, I knew some of the newer people that might be able to help. The only downside: how would I convince them to cut off themselves from the safe haven for good? Destroying the flat trans would mean everyone would be stuck in the WICKED compound.

That won't work. I need a new plan.


What if I made it seem like one of us was dead?

What if I found a way to make it seem like one of us was gone, and that way we could sneak into the safe haven and tell WICKED we needed to bury the other person? It would have to be Newt, since of it was me there's a possibility that they would just tell him someone else would take care of it.

So I need to find someone that can fake Newt's death. A scientist that can tell the others that they checked for a pulse, and that they checked for brain activity, and found nothing. That way Janson and the others have proof that he's dead, and I just need to play along. Maybe they can give Newt an anesthetic, too, just to make it more convincing.

Yeah, that could work. They would have no reason to check, no reason to believe he was alive. They wouldn't find out later that he escaped, because it would be on their records that he was dead.

I got up out of bed, with a mission forming in my head. I had to find the nice scientist I met a long time ago, and ask her to help me. She would, right?

She has to.

I don't have any other ideas.

Escape to Paradise/Newt, book 2Where stories live. Discover now