Chapter 18

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Today Newt was being taken off for more training. With the entire thing about basically everyone leaving the compound, they need new people to run things around here. Which was fine by me, actually. It gave me plenty of time to start working on a plan. I was getting Newt out of here, one way or another.

So first on my list was finding the nice scientist that I had met before. If anyone was going to help me, it would be her. I just needed to find a way to talk to her alone. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

The day I brought Newt to the training room she was the one that brought me in for testing. Most of the time we didn't see those scientists unless we were about to....well, be tested on. Which meant that my best option would probably be going in for another session, and maybe I would get a chance to be alone with her one on one. It was my best bet.

But the thought of possibly going through even more testing sent a shiver down my spine. If I could at least get to talk with Ava and maybe ask for her specifically, then I could probably at least learn the scientists name and go from there. Yeah, that was where I should start.

But I needed a motive. There was no way she would believe I was asking for testing without mischievous intentions if I didn't have a good alibi. So far the only that I had would be if I tried to bargain with her for Newt. Ava knew that I loved him. If anything was going to be my motive for more testing, it would be him.

So I guess this is it. I'll ask her for more testing in hopes of taking Newt's place before I get shipped off, and then I can hopefully get alone time with the doctor lady. Easier said than done, but it's the best I've got right now.

I left our room, heading down the hallway towards Ava's office. Her door was closed, probably locked for security reasons like it always was. I knocked, listening for a conversation on the other side. I heard nothing, so she must be alone.
"Come in." Ava called. I opened the door and stepped inside, seeing her at her desk. She looked up from her papers, saw it was me, and visibly rolled her eyes.
"What do you want?"

"I have a question." I said firmly but quietly and closed the door behind me.
"Go on. I have a meeting in fifteen minutes, so this better be quick."

"I'll keep it short." I nodded and sat in one of the chairs before her desk.
"You said you need more antibodies for research purposes, right? That's why you're keeping everyone that's new here?"

Ava nodded slowly, organizing some papers as she listened.
"That was the idea."

I tried my best to look conflicted, knowing I had to have good acting or she won't believe me.
"Okay, so....we have a week, right? What if I go through a few more phases of testing? What if i give you extra antibodies now, and then Newt doesn't have to do as much after I'm gone?"

Ava thought it through for a moment, getting up from her desk to pace around the office.
"I'm glad you've accepted the fact that Newt is staying here. It took less convincing than I thought it would." She straightened a picture frame hanging above a bookshelf with her finger, shaking her head.
"And as for your effort to try and protect Newt, it's a noble offer."

I sat forward, unsure of whether or not she would let me actually do it. She had to say yes. She just had to.

Ava tapped her chin.
"I suppose it could work. If you do a round of testing each day for the next six days, I'll let Newt go free of testing for six weeks. We were planning on starting him with one session a week, but I'm willing to compromise. My only concern is that..." she trailed off and sat in her seat. She seemed unsure of how to word her next sentence.
"We haven't tried repetitive testing. The most we've done is three sessions in a week. You would be doubling that. The mental and physical effects could be pretty serious."

"I'll do it." I nodded quickly. There were multiple reasons. One, I still needed to talk to that doctor. Two, I couldn't back out now. Three, if I could keep Newt out of that testing room even once, it was worth it. He already has a lot of bad memories to deal with. Having to relive them could open up old wounds, and I was hoping to keep him in a positive mental state.

"Well. I guess this has been a productive talk. I'll schedule you a session for this afternoon." Ava said calmly, giving me what appeared to be a smile.

Now was the time to ask, I guess.
"Chancellor Paige, there is one thing I'd like to ask."

"A term to our condition? I suppose that's fair." Ava nodded and clasped her hands on the desk. She waited for me to continue, so I did.

"There was a nice scientist. I had her about a week ago. She didn't actually bring me to the testing room, but she told me I had a session. I was wondering if maybe she could run my testing sessions this week. I just.....have had bad experiences with some of the other scientists." I explained.

"Ah, yes. I've heard all about that. I guess we do want good results, and when you put up a fight we have to give you extra sedative. Which causes less of the antibody to be created." Ava sighed.
"I suppose that having someone you are comfortable with to run your tests will help us get better results. I see no problem with that."

"Thank you." I breathed out, glad to know that my plan was actually working. Step one had gone pretty much flawlessly.
"You do know the lady I'm talking about, right?"

"Well it won't be hard to look through the files for whoever was supposed to escort you that day." Ava said simply. She paused, opening a drawer and reaching inside. She fumbled around as I moved onto the second condition.

"Newt can't find out. You'll have to keep him busy while I do the testing or something. If he finds out then he won't let me go through with that."

"Another reasonable request." Ava nodded, finding what she was looking for in the drawer. "Here. Since we haven't tried doing this intensive of testing, I'd like you to wear this."
She pulled out what looked sort of like a medical bracelet. A thin white band with some barcodes etched into it.

"What is it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Just a way for us to monitor you as you go through it. You'll be our guinea pig, really. Now we can monitor brainwaves and vital signs more accurately." She scanned the bracelet on her tablet and typed something in. Then as an afterthought she added,
"It also will allow you to access the testing room without being escorted. That way Newt won't find out."

"Okay. It sounds like it's all sorted out then." I nodded and let out a breath of relief.

"I would say so. Your first session will begin at....lets say 4:00. It will give you time to prepare beforehand, and you can shower before dinner after the session is over. And I will have Doctor Hessen meet you there." Ava tapped a few buttons on the tablet, most likely setting it in a calendar or notifying someone else.

"I'll be there." I said and got up. I turned to leave, not even looking back after that as I left the room.

It was almost too easy. I got one on one time with the nice doctor, a way to help Newt go through less testing, and I have a way to get into the testing rooms whenever I need to. I mean, sure, I'll have to be tested on each day, but it will be worth it.

The thought of actually doing that every day began to sink in, but I just shook my head to clear my thoughts. I would just have to remember that it was only a memory. One that WICKED somehow got, most likely through Newt, and plugged into my head. And if it all went according to plan, in a week both of us would be out of here.

Worst case scenario; I leave and go to the safe haven, Newt gets spared six testing sessions, and then he comes to the safe haven with us in a few months.

I tried not to think about Ava said, the part about the testing become less survivable if they don't find a cure in a few months. There was talk about just extracting all of the cure somehow. I don't know how, but it sounds like it would be nearly fatal to all involved.

So all I have to do is get Newt out of there by then, and we're good. It shouldn't be too hard, right?

I mean, I just outsmarted Ava once. I just have to do it a few more times.

Should be a piece of cake.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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