Chapter 13

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Hey guys, I'm back. Sorry, this is suuuuper super late, but I'm back! Anyone still reading? Hopefully?

"Oi! Newt!" Ben called once we reached the cafeteria. Both of us turned toward the noise instinctively, and newt blinked a few times.

"Hey Ben. How have we not seen each other yet?" Newt asked slowly, walking over and patting the other blond glader on the shoulder. Ben shrugged a bit.

"I Uh, I was in the medical wing for a bit. Had walking pneumonia, which they worried was the flare. The shanks has me under supervision for like 2 weeks before they let me go." He said with a small smile. Newt shook his head a bit.

"Bloody idiots, am I right?" He mused, putting one hand in his pocket and the other around my shoulders.

"You know it." Ben chuckled, taking a deep breath. "So, I never got to ask since I was gone. How you holding up, man?" Ben flashed a sympathetic look as newt sighed.

"I think I'm doing fine. There are definitely some upsides to bring here." He smiled a little and glanced over at me before looking back at Ben.

"How have you been? The last time I saw you, was....god, right after Tommy showed up." Newt said, furrowing his eyebrows a little as he thought. Ben just nodded.

"Yeah. I've been good. It's not quite the same as the glade, but there are worse places to be." He paused a little. "How was everyone doing? Minho still Alright?"

"Min got struck by a bloody lightning bolt, and survived. He's a tough shank, so he should be fine." Newt chuckled, and Ben nodded.

"Good. I miss running with that slinthead." He shook his head a little as he reminisced.
"Well Anyways, I've gotta go. Take care, Alright Newt?" Ben said with a smile. Newt returned the gesture and nodded.

"Yeah, you too." Newt replied before the other boy walked off, and i let out a little chuckle.

"Mama newt back at it again." I laughed. Newt made a face.

"What? No, I just....I knew Ben, and....All I did was ask how he was doing...." newt protested, which only made me raise my eyebrow as he had basically proved my point.

"Shut up. So what, I used keep an eye on all the gladers and make sure they're okay. Guess it might just be a habit by now." He mumbled, pouting a little.

"Awwwwe, look at you getting all defensive." I teased, poking his nose. He rolled his eyes and swatted my hand.

"Stop being such a twat about it." He laughed, kissing my cheek quickly before glancing around.
"So, what's for breakfast?" He asked like a little kid, already moving on from the conversation that had just happened.

"Looks like pancakes and bacon?" I said, looking over towards the line for food. Newts eyes widened.

"Really? I love pancakes. Haven't had those is ages." He smiled happily, dragging me over to the lunch line to get some food.

"Someone's excited, huh?" I couldn't help but laugh a little at his excitement. He nodded quickly, bouncing on his heels a bit.

"You dont understand, it's been quite a while since fry was able to cook us up something special, let alone pancakes. I had been living off granola bars and cans of beans since we left the maze." He said, and i realized how stupid i must've sounded.

"Right. Well, the pancakes here are pretty good. Maybe not Frypan level good, but good." I explained, grabbing a tray and handing one to newt as we moved down the line.

"Do they have chocolate chip pancakes?" He asked suddenly. I stood on my tiptoes to look over.

"I can't see. Does it look like they do?" I asked him, since he was taller. He nodded.

"Why do you think I asked, slinthead." He teased with a smile. "I really hope those are chocolate chip and not blueberry." He said aloud and continued to move through the line, until we got our breakfast and sat down at a table together.

Newt ended up with, you guess it, chocolate chip pancakes. He had a side of bacon and a cup of orange juice. I had normal pancakes with a cup of coffee, which was my usual breakfast around here. Newt, on the other hand, seemed very pleased with the breakfast choice of the day, and did a little happy dance in his seat, messy blond hair still a little fluffy since he hadn't brushed it yet. He started to eat his breakfast happily, continuing his little happy dance a bit as you laughed quietly. He shoved another bite of pancake into his mouth before looking up.

"What's so funny?" Newt asked through a mouthful of food.

"Nothing. the hell did I end up with you?" I shook my head with a smile, watching in adoration as he took a swig of his orange juice.

"Easy, Love, you thought I was one of the least disgusting people in the glade, so you picked me." He joked, taking a bite of bacon.

"Oh shut up, I mean that I'm lucky to have you." I laughed.

"Other way around" Newt said quickly, smiling back as he continued to eat his breakfast.

"No, you're goddamn adorable. You just danced in your seat over pancakes. And you're hot. And smart, and nice, and.....just....." I trailed off, kissing his nose. "I missed you." I ended with a sigh, playing with his hair a bit. He kissed my forehead.

"I missed you two, love."

Escape to Paradise/Newt, book 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя