Chapter 4

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(Sorry, just a heads up. This chapter might be intense, you've been warned.)
"Sit down." Janson hissed, pushing me into the dusty grey room. I put my hands over my chest, trying to stop them from shaking.
"Please, no." I sobbed, my voice cracking. "Not again."
"Oh shut up, you kids are always complaining, you know that?" He said, locking the door.
"I'll do twice the work in the monitor room, just please don't make me." I cried, tears finally spilling out over my cheeks. Janson sighed, his expression hard.
"I really don't want to do this, you know. Ava's orders." He said, his face softening. I knew better, it was all an act. The fire behind his eyes still burned, and his left eyebrow twitched slightly.
"Sit down, Emmy." He ordered.
"No." I shook my head, and he grabbed my arm.
"That wasn't a question. Sit down." He said firmly.
He shoved me backwards onto the cold leather seat.
"NOO. NOT AGAIN PLEASE." I screamed, kicking my legs. Jansons dug his nails into my arm to hold me down. His grip on my wrist tightened, and i could feel a bruise blossom beneath the skin. A guard stepped towards me, away from the wall. He fastened the straps that were connected to the chair around my arms and legs. They tightened the straps around my stomach. I kicked my legs, struggling to break free. My right foot connected with Jansons face. He staggered back, holding his jaw. The guard grabbed my legs while he grabbed a syringe off the table next to me. The guard strapped a band around my legs, and Janson hovered over me.
"Goodnight, Emmy." He sneered, a bruise already forming on his jaw, as he stuck the needle into my neck. The room started to go dark around the corners of my vision.
"No...please." I mumbled, trying to pry my heavy eyelids open. The black cloud in my vision grew, and I was plunged into unconsciousness.

"Newt, you sure you want to go separately?" Minho asked, standing with Newt in the maze.
"Yeah. I'll be fine. We can map faster that way." He said. Minho nodded.
"I know, it's've been out of it lately. Are you sure you're feeling okay, man?" He asked, hooking his thumbs in his backpack straps.
"I'm fine, okay? Let's just go." Newt said, tightening his backpack over his tank top. Minho nodded, giving Newt one last glance before they turned in separate  ways. He ran through the corridors, the shrieks of frisbees echoing throughout the maze. After a while he paused, standing in a dead end. Newt stopped, taking a deep breath and looking up at the wall. He put his dagger into its holder. He braced his hands before grabbing onto the vines and climbing. When he reached the top of the vines, he turned around. The slight breeze of the glade blew his hair around, framing his young face. And then he let go, his thin build dropping down to the ground. There was a crack, a scream, and then silence.
A while later Minho came sprinting around the corner.
"NEWT!" He screamed, stumbling over his own feet to kneel next to newts body. The blonde mop of hair covering his eyes, which fluttered just the slightest bit.
"Oh my god, oh god, Newt...what the shuck did you do." He mumbled. Minho checked for a pulse, then let out a sigh of relief. He scooped up the broken boy into his arms, carefully. He stopped for a moment when he saw how unnaturally Newts leg was bent. Then he took off through the maze, eager to get Newt to the medjacks.

And then I woke up screaming. Tears were streaming down my face as I kicked and bucked against the restraints. My wrists burned from the restraints, but I kept pulling and kicking my legs. Eventually the guard untied the restraints, and he grabbed my arm, forcing me to stand. The second he let go of my arm, my legs shook under my weight and i crashed to the ground, sobbing.
"You're weak. All of you." Janson said, collecting a vial from a machine across the room. There were a few drops of blue liquid in it.
"Even the simulations include this little thing. What Ava's been trying to get her hands on for years now. The problem is..." he paused, turning around.
"We can't enough of it in the time it takes. You know, the crying and're all so pathetic. If you would just shut up and go along with what we're doing, we'd find a cure faster! That's why we put you in a simulation to begin with." He held the vial up.
"There's no way we would destroy any of this stuff without a good reason. The mental aspect of it though...we can torture you all we want and the cure isn't affected. If anything, it actually speeds up your bodies production of it." Janson smirked.
"Well, whenever you're done with your little crisis over there, feel free to leave." He said, putting the vial in his pocket before walking out the door, and the guard followed. I pulled my T-shirt closer to my body, sobbing in the corner of the room until I had no more tears.

(Sorry, short chapter. I couldn't write anymore, I was getting too sad)

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