Chapter 7

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"Alright, break time." I sighed, stretching my arms out in front of me. Newt cracked his neck next to me, slowly sliding his chair out from under the desk.
"Thank goodness. My back is so sore." He groaned, reaching his arms up over his head. His shirt lifted up just a little, just enough for me to poke him in the side. He crumpled up, trying to protect his stomach.
"Don't you dare tickle me. I'll win." He retaliates, reaching out to grab my sides.
"Nope." I squealed, darting our from under his arm, but I was too slow. His arms closed around my waist, and he threw me onto his shoulder, a triumphant smile on his face. He marched out of the monitor room, and I was still squirming around on his shoulder.
"Newt! Put me down!" I laughed, kicking my legs in the air as his hands tightened around my stomach.
"Not happening. You started this." He smiled, spinning around in the middle of the hallway.
"Where to?" He asked, still holding me on his shoulder.
"Back to our rooms." I laughed, and he turned quickly and dramatically, making sure to throw me around a little as he did. He kicked open the door, jumping a bit so I bounced on his shoulder. He laughed a bit as I yelped when my stomach landed on his shoulder.
"Put me done now please." I laughed, and he nodded.
"Okay." He threw me off of his shoulder and onto the bed.
"Hey, that's not what I meant." I smiled. Newt shrugged, leaning over me to press a kiss to my lips.
"Alright. Go get dressed. We're gonna run to the exercise room, right?" I said, my arms linked around his neck.
"Um. Yeah, I guess." He sighed, smiling faintly. "Or we could just...not." He smiled, leaning down to kiss my neck.
"No, we're going to go to the exercise room. I promised I'd meet Alby there, and you're coming with me." I answered. Newt sighed, standing back up slowly.
"Alright, fine. You win." He said, putting his hands on his hips.
"Yeah, so go get changed." I stood up, poking him in the shoulder.
"Nope. Go on, shoo. You can't train in jeans and a T-shirt." I folded my arms across my chest. Newt nodded.
"Okay, Fine. I'll be back in a bit." He mumbled, walking back out of the room. I turned around to the dresser to get changed, grabbing out a tank top and shorts. White, of course. I swear, WICKED has an obsession with the color white. I peeled off the T-shirt and pants, slipping the newer outfit back on before stopping to pull my hair into a ponytail. There was a knock at my door.
"You dressed?" Newt called through.
"Yeah, I'm good." I laughed. The door opened slowly, and Newts face poked inside.
"Alright, then let's do this. Where's the exercise room?" He asked. I finished putting my hair in a ponytail before walking over to meet him, lounging his hand with mine.
"I'll show you." I answered, leading him out into the boring white hallways.

(A/N) okay, so new plan. I don't really have anything to go off of for this book since this happens, like, after the book. So, it's going to be much shorter chapters, but I'm planning on updating just as often. I'm just having a really hard time coming up with ideas for chapters. Sorry guys

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