Chapter Twenty Four - Alena's P.O.V

Start from the beginning

"Did you invite your parents?"

"Yes, they're flying out tomorrow. So, we may have to put Jess and Liz in the same guest room so my parents can take the other."

"That's fine, both beds are big enough for both of them. I'll let them know they need to move around when they get back."

"Perfect... speaking of them, are they joining for Thanksgiving or are they going with their own families'?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, I have no idea. We'll figure everything out later." Finally, I had returned to normal. "Thank you for being here, I'm sorry I unloaded all of that onto you right as you walked through the door."

"Alena, please don't apologize. For the last time, everything is okay." We kissed briefly, his soft lips making me melt into him.

"So, how was your day?" I asked, breaking the kiss.

"Not eventful enough that it's worth talking about instead of kissing you." He laughed as he leaned into another kiss, and I laughed too. We sat there kissing on the couch for at least several minutes before Jess and Liz came in, walking up the staircase from the garage and into the kitchen. "We never should've given them the garage code to get in." Derrick sighed as we pulled away, making me laugh again.

"Hey guys!" Jess greeted us cheerfully, both her and Liz walking into the living room and joining us on the couch. "How was everyone's day?" Derrick looked at me with a look that said I should speak first, so I did.

"Well, it was, okay I suppose." I started, running my hands through my hair and trying to recollect myself from Derrick and I's previous activity. "I, um, quit my job today." Both of them gasped and yelled my name, in shock that I would do such a thing. In high school, and even in college, I would never step outside the lines. I stuck to my plans and always did what I had to. If changes were made, it was through a process, never a last minute choice. Something like this was foreign to the Alena that they know. Hell, even to the Alena that I thought I knew.

"But, on the bright side, that means we're coming to California with you guys!" Derrick added, quickly steering the conversation in a better direction. I gave him a look that said thank you, and listened as their reactions turned excitable.

"That's wonderful! I have itineraries all written up for us, but I'll wait until we get there to give those out so you guys don't lose them." Jess said with her typical wide smile.

"Wow, for once you aren't the one making an itinerary for a trip," Derrick turned to me and laughed. He was right, but perhaps it's good that I'm not the one taking all of the control right now. I think I need to just go with the flow for now.

"Thank you Jess," I responded, ignoring Derrick's comment, "I'm so happy we'll all get to go."

"Before we get to enjoy that, however, something else is coming up a little sooner." Derrick said, and continued, "What are your plans for Thanksgiving?"

"Well, if you'll have me, I'd definitely rather be here than at my parents'..." Liz was the first to speak, Jess following quickly behind.

"I have to agree, if you guys would have us."

"Of course, we said you're always welcome here and we meant that." Derrick said with a smile.

"We just need one of you to move into the other's guest room and bunk together for a couple of nights because Derrick's parents are flying in from Logan tomorrow and will be staying here until..." I looked to Derrick for him to finish my sentence, and he quickly concluded with "Friday morning."

"That's no problem at all, Liz I'll move into your room cause I have less stuff to move." Jess volunteered.

"Thank you guys, we really appreciate it." Derrick said, expressing his gratitude genuinely. His parents are such kind people, but they can also be a little picky, so we certainly need to do everything we can to make them comfortable here this week.

With everything having been addressed, I was much more relaxed than before; probably the most I had been all day. We all sat together for a while before Derrick got up to throw something together for dinner. After eating, he hid away in the office to get ahead on work in anticipation for our trip, while Jess, Liz, and I stayed in the living room. Each of us was cuddled up with a mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows piled high, only talking during the commercial breaks as This Is Us played on the television. In this moment, my life felt the closest to normal that it had in weeks. My heart was filled with joy at this realization, but still, I could not ignore the unease that remained in my chest. No matter how far I tried to push it down, I couldn't rid of it completely. It wasn't going anywhere.

Not yet.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: y'all we are getting so close to what I've been anticipating writing for SO long... just hang in there I'm so excited & I hope you are too

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