Chapter 18: Hijacked by Ants (Also The Final Chapter)

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It was April 12th, 2018, and Honest was sitting in study hall, killing time. After finishing her algebra homework, she then decided that her best course of action, in order to continue to kill time, was to work on her story. Honest had left her bag in her locker and had only brought her homework and a notebook for paper. So, instead of typing the next chapter, she had to write it out manually by hand in the notebook she had brought. She had tried to keep her handwriting as neat as possible at first, but once the story had begun to pick up, Honest found herself beginning to write faster and faster to keep up with the pace at which her brain was going. She had started off writing with soft, rounded pencil strokes, but once she had begun to mess up and erase things, her words began to become more and more jagged and rough. Honest had encountered this an incalculable amount of times in the past, but now she was beginning to let it get to her. Eventually, however, the period had ended and thus her suffering at the hands of penmanship had also come to an end.

On her way through the halls, Honest stopped by the word "Honesty" painted on one of the walls of the school in the school's colors. She hadn't painted that there. Trust me, there would've been a chapter on that if she had. "Hm."

Suddenly, she felt someone tug on her sleeve. It was Shadow. "We're having class in Ms. Vanilla's classroom today," he informed her.

"We are?" Honest asked, breaking out of her stupor and beginning to follow him down the hallway.

"Yes. The wifi is out in that whole hall, so everybody in those classrooms is being relocated to other rooms for a couple of weeks."

Shadow had expected her to complain or something, but instead, she lifted her arms into the air and exclaimed, "Change!"

When Shadow didn't do anything but stare at her, Honest explained. "I was in a sort of a stump for the longest time since JH left. All I was doing was focusing on my Youtube channel instead of schoolwork and yearning for the weekend all week, so this will change things up a little and keep things fresh. Change is good!" Shadow nodded knowingly and continued walking.


It was now April 13th, 2018, and it was coincidentally also Friday. Honest woke up to find that her alarm clock had been set an hour ahead while she slept. She was glad she woke up and remembered to look at it or else she might've been late to school because the alarm was also set incorrectly. It said "4 AM", when it was actually "3 AM" according to the clock on her computer. Honest usually tried very hard to wake up early, but she had got into a bad habit of sleeping through her alarm, so she took full advantage of this error and only set her alarm for thirty more minutes, after correcting the current time of course.

When she woke up the second time, the clock said "4:30". She freaked out for a second before she realised that her clock had set itself forward a second time! Honest got angry and picked up the alarm clock. She was ready to smash it before she saw that there was a whole colony of ants that had set up camp under her clock, thinking it was a rock. They all scattered as soon as she lifted it. Honest wasn't really afraid of ants; she just disliked having them live in her room as if it were some kind of ant farm.

Honest splashed the ants with a bottle of flavored water she had handy and set her alarm back on top of the drowned insects to block them from view once again.

Wow. The only thing that could get Honest to wake up early was to be tricked by her alarm clock. Who knew?

While Honest sat at the table in the kitchen and contemplated the reason why the evil ants had hacked into her alarm clock, Shadow was stood in front of the microwave, watching the peanut butter tortillas within cook, their gooey peanut butter fillings melting and running all over the plate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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