Chapter 3: Forces-Induced Headaches

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It was the middle of the night on Friday, December 1st, 2017. Honest woke with a start and immediately began to feel excruciating pain in her ears and the sides of her head. It was definitely a headache, but not one she remembers ever having before. It came on with no explanation, no clear cause. It was like she was being electrocuted. Honest looked for the alarm clock across the room with blurred vision. It was 3:50 am.

Her orange alarm clock only worked every once and awhile, so it frequently caused her to be late to school. She saw it at a garage sale and bought it just because it was vintage and cool. The thing about it being vintage, though, was that it was also prone to not work only when you needed it the most. The blue lamp by Honest's bedside was also destined to fail one of these days because it, too, was vintage and bought at a garage sale. Plus, it was often common for Honest to accidentally leave it on for seven hours straight while she was at school each day. That would definitely shorten its life a considerable amount. She was surprised it had held out this long.

Eventually the strange headache dissipated and Honest thought it best to try to submit her homework now that she was awake. However, the internet was acting up yet again so she was unable to, making it a whole ten days late.

She set the alarm clock on her computer, which she had recently customized so that it would say "Ohayo gozaimasu" over and over again to wake her up, for five (what a weeb). However, Honest ended up waking up at four, having to use the restroom. Her headache was still faintly present as she walked down the hall in her underwear, praying that Shadow or Sonic wouldn't come out of their bedrooms and see her. Or maybe she wanted Shadow to come out and see her. She couldn't tell because her head was still so foggy.

When Honest had finally woken up at five, she ate mushy sausage biscuits for breakfast. The whole time they were microwaving, Akane ran around her, begging for food. Honest eventually complied and filled up her bowl with E-77 Charms. She turned into her Mobian form and sat on the floor, eating it.

Honest checked her total channel views after returning to her room. 9,800. 200 away from 10k. So close yet so far.

Once at school, Honest found out that Infinite had taken her laptop. He handed it back to her. "Thanks, um.." Honest wondered what sort of emotion he possessed beneath his mask just then. "You couldn't have known it was mine. It didn't have a name on it."

"Of course not," he said. He then watched Honest set it on her desk. "You should write your name on it right now." He pulled a permanent marker out of nowhere and handed it to her.

After eating the bacon off of her cheeseburger and downing a carton of milk, Honest walked to sixth period study hall. She completed her algebra homework within a minute and pulled out her newly signed laptop. She lifted the lid, logged in, and went straight to her HedgeTube (or YouTube if it doesn't bother you) channel to check how many views she had. It said "9,915". Woah! She had gained a hundred views just while at school!? Honest planned to try to get 200 views over the weekend, but now she only had 100 to go! :D And she also had 64 subs, one more than yesterday.

Sonic and Shadow should make channels. It would be easy to earn views. Honest thought for a moment. Oh. Maybe it wouldn't be so easy. No one would believe it was really them after all. They could put "official" after their names, but that still wouldn't totally guarantee that people would believe it was actually them. In fact, those names might already be taken. xD

Smileys are not supposed to be used in formal writing. But is this technically formal writing? I don't think it is... :/

Fourteen minutes remained in sixth period. What would Honest do? Well, she had been typing her fanfiction since she checked her channel views, but she was running out of things to type about. Maybe she would work on the second part of the Eggmanland trip. Or maybe she would just sit there. Or she could brainstorm ideas for earning 83 views. Two videos with 40 views each? Four with 20 views each? Actually, that second method didn't seem too bad. Or she could just, I don't know, upload like six and just wait. She was so close now that it was inevitable. Honest would earn 10k views in one or two days. Maybe three if her internet was slow enough.

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