Chapter 14: Valentines and Shopping at Eggmart

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It was February 14th, 2018, Valentine's Day, and Honest was surprised to find that the first person to approach her was actually Sonic.

"Here's your gift," he said, getting straight to the point. He dropped a pack of tissues into her hands that had a thin, red ribbon tied around it. Honest was confused.

"Here. You're going to need it when Shadow informs you that you're not his Valentine this year," Sonic explained, smirking. He zipped away.

Oh. So it's going to be a competition now? Honest threw the tissues into her bag and walked to her locker.

I don't even like Shadow like that, Honest thought as she made her way down the hall. She had entered the school building from the back way that day to hopefully avoid running into Mephiles. She smiled to herself. But there's no way I'm letting Sonic know that. 

Shadow hadn't seen them. He was watching the door for Honest to arrive. When she walked up to him, he was surprised and jumped. "Good morning!!"

He turned to look at her slowly. "Uh, good morning?"

"Happy Valentine's day!" Honest announced, pulling his present out of nowhere.

"Oh, you shouldn't have!" he exclaimed, seeing what it was. "That's a submachine gun that's loaded like a shotgun! There are only a couple hundred of these still in circulation! Thank you!" He hugged Honest tight.

Honest beamed. Beat that, you blue rat.

Shadow pulled away after a while. "It's just like the one I had back in '05." He looked up from his present and back at Honest. "I have a present for you, too."

Honest tilted her head to one side. She hadn't expected him to get anything for her. He pulled out a giant stick of something...

"Catnip!" She took the stick of catnip from him and hugged it to her chest. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Honest then began to purr and rub it against her face in pure bliss. The bell then rang.

Before Shadow could start walking, Honest stopped him by grabbing ahold of his wrist, just below his inhibitor ring. "I also made sure to order another box of extra-large chocolate bars with the points I've been saving up." She smiled.

Shadow looked at her with a face that said "wait, what?" as Honest rushed past him. Oh, no. Not the chocolate bars again.


Remember the chocolate bars? I'm going to look through some of my old notebooks to see if I can't find some pictures of that to put in this chapter. Ah, memories.

... Actually, now that I think about it, you don't. I never wrote about that...


When Shadow walked into third period, Dina was trying to give Honest a wrapped present. Honest kept pushing it away and saying "Uh-uh" and "No way". Obviously, whatever it was, Honest clearly didn't want it. Shadow went to sit at his table. Akane was standing nearby.

"I'm guessing Honest shared some of her catnip with you?" he asked her.

"What?!" Akane proceeded to claw Honest to death. "You got catnip, and you didn't share?!"

"AH!" Honest screamed, ducking under her desk for cover, every fur on her tail standing on end.

Rouge came in and sat beside Shadow. He looked over at her.

Rouge noticed he was looking and smiled. "Good morning, Shadow."

He "hmph"ed. "Did you get anything yet from anybody?"

Honesty is the Best Policy! {Forces Edition}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon