Chapter 5: Wintry Weather Wii ≺≻

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"Guess what I just ordered~!" Honest exclaimed, looking up from the tablet she had been holding.

After having exhausted both seasons one and two of the only TV show they actively had watched every time it aired since Connor the Big, Red Anthropomorphic Dog twelve years ago, Honest and her edgy, red-striped compadre had resorted to watching dorky "Let's Play"s on YouTube (or HedgeTube if that somehow bothers you >.>).

This was exactly what Shadow happened to be doing at the moment. Honest had been doing something on her finally-paid-for tablet the whole time, a meter away from where he was sitting, in the recliner, which might as well be her recliner since she was the only one who sat in it night and day. I guess now we'll find out what.

"What?" Shadow asked, pausing the video and turning towards her.

"I just ordered the cheapest Wii on the internet, a GameCube controller, and Shadow the Hedgehog! A GameCube starter-kit almost." Maybe he was excited, maybe he wasn't; it was hard to tell.

"And altogether it only cost me 500 and 20 rings!"

Now he was excited as well as impressed. "That's some great shopping!"

"Great!" Silver dropped down from the ceiling, his eyes a "> <". Strange enough, no one was really mad at him.

Honest even smiled at him. "Oh, hey! Guess what I ordered?"

"What?" Silver exclaimed excitedly, happy that no one had scolded him for... whatever he had been doing.

"I just bought a Wii, ShtH, and a GameCube controller!"

"ShtH?" Silver asked, confused. Both him and Honest had pronounced it "Shi tuh Huh".

"Shadow the Hedgehog? You know. Like StH," Honest explained.

"Oh! Yeah, I understand now," Silver said.

"This means we'll be able to get so many games!" Honest said. "We'll be able to get the Riders games, the Olympics games minus Rio, SatBK, Secret Rings, Colors, and not to mention the GameCube games: Heroes, ShtH of course, and the Adventure games!" Honest had stars twinkling all around her in the air.

"Uh, Honest?" Silver said. "I don't want to ruin your excitement, but you're not going to be able to play any GameCube games, including ShtH, unless you buy a Memory Card."

Honest jumped on him and grabbed a hold of his spines, pulling hard enough to make tears come to the poor hedgie's eyes. "Why do you tell me this now?! I don't have any money left!"

Honest leapt onto the couch, Silver immediately rubbing his eyes. "You need to hurry up and spend your money!!" Honest got in Shadow's face.

Shadow frowned. "If you try to grab my spines like that, I won't." Honest backed away. "I can buy the Memory Card, and I might be able to buy some more games as well. SatBK and Secret Rings maybe."

"Well, we need to get on that then!" Honest jumped off of Shadow and walked into the middle of the room. She didn't seem all that upset as she put one hand on her hip and the other as a finger into the air. "Once we get all these games, we'll invite all of the guy Sonic characters over for a console warming party!"

"That's an- ahem- great idea, Honest!" Silver exclaimed enthusiastically.

Shadow sighed and crossed his arms. "As long as they don't wreck anything while they're over, I'll be okay with it."


Honest was clinging onto her orange jacket for dear life as the chilly wind just kept getting stronger and stronger.

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