In Time (Final Part)

Start from the beginning

"My jacket," Kujo folds his arms and stops walking.

Shikauhno also stops without turning around, "I don't have it now, I'll give it back later."

"I don't want it, I just need what's in it."

Shikauhno's seeker alerts her and she glances at it.

Shikauhno clasps her hand over the seeker as to not cause any attention and Kujo persists, "So where is it?"

"I'm sorry but I have to go. I'll bring it tomorrow." Shikauhno walks away and Kujo grabs her left wrist.

Shikauhno pulls back and Kujo accidentally pulls her arm warmer off to reveal her arm.

Kujo sees a glimpse of her scars; Shikauhno quickly turns and leaves in a hurry.

Kujo stands in surprise with her arm warmer in his hand.


Shikauhno is on the roof of a random building sitting in the shade. She is practicing willing Shizukana into existence and making it disappear.

It appears and fades away repeatedly like blinking lights.

Shikauhno thinks to herself with a satisfied grin, 'It's getting easier now.'

Shikauhno is wearing a long sleeve dark green hoodie, dark pants, and shoes.

'The Apostles are gone now, but something's still bothering me. Whoever that guy was...he's still out there.' Shikauhno thinks about the masked individual who showed up during their fight.

'And his motives are still unclear. If he's one of us, why keep it a secret? And if he's an enemy, then why help us?'

Shikauhno's seeker goes off again disrupting her thoughts, "Another one? At least it's closer." With agility, she maneuvers down the roof, moving through railing, hopping on air conditioners and climbing down window sills. 


Shikauhno arrives to the area that the seeker has indicated the fallen is in.

It is a cemetery.

Shikauhno walks around cautiously on guard.

There is an older lady paying respects at a grave. She is praying with her eyes closed.

'Someone's here, not good.'

Thankfully, the person stands up and begins to exit the cemetery. Shikauhno follows the lady with her eyes to make sure she gets out safely.

She lets out a sigh of relief.

The detected fallen is nowhere to be found. Shikauhno looks down at her seeker to see that it has stopped, 'It's fading in and out, must be an Independent.'

Shikauhno continues to make her way deeper into the cemetery when she notices two destroyed graves.

'The fallen must have done this.' Shikauhno looks away from the destroyed graves to scan the cemetery.

Her eyes fall upon another person standing at a grave, and she recognizes him.

She runs over to him, "Nani!" She notices he has purple hair now. He is staring down at a grave.

"Don't tell me you skipped out on your rounds just so you can dye your hair," Shikauhno jokes.

Nani walks away silently and Shikauhno follows after, "Hey I was just kidding."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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