Part 9

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Halsey- Colors (came out 2016)

Jimin: The truth

It took me a few days to be able to look into Yoongi's eyes after our little talk in the kitchen. I've been avoiding him ever since, and the others weren't really surprised because we've always been like this. They were pretty surprised two years ago, but they soon got used to it, thinking we simply didn't click.

If only it was that simple.

You wouldn't believe how fast days flew by when a person is constantly looking over his shoulder, trying desperately to never spot the other. I didn't even blink properly when our debut was only half a year away, and I was on my way to Ae Ra's office to talk about clothes, make-up and my worries.

She was sitting on the black sofa by the time I got there, whispering something in Hoseok's ear and giggling softly.

They seemed to share a lot of secrets and a bond so strong you could literally feel it from afar. They became best friends a long time ago, possibly being soulmates like Tae and I and you rarely saw each of them without the other. Hoseok's big smile seemed even larger with her, and her eyes a little brighter. We all loved Ae Ra dearly, but not near as much as Hoseok.

When he spotted me standing at the doorframe, he gave me a slight frown because I interrupted them, but it soon turned into a smile.

»Hi, Jiminie,« he said cheekily, causing Ae Ra to notice me too and motion me to sit down.

I complied, watching her push Hoseok out of the room.

»Do you mind, Hoseokie? It's Jimin's turn now.«

He sighed and left the room without another word.

»So,« she smiled softly, »how are you feeling today?«

I fumbled nervously with my oversized sweater: »I've been better.«

She froze and slowly tore her eyes from some papers on the desk.

She lifted her eyebrows: »Is something bothering you?«

»I... I mean... Not really, no.«

Her eyes were a bit nervous while she was choosing her next words.

»I hope you don't mind me asking... But does it have something to do with Yoongi-hyung?«

I stood completely frozen for a couple of moments, unable to speak or move. My eyes started jumping around the room, looking for an exit, but the only thing I found was an open window. Not a very good option.

»What do you mean?« I squeaked finally and if she wasn't really sure about it before, she definitely was now.

She giggled: »Oh, silly! Did you think I wouldn't notice? You two obviously aren't the best of friends.«

I nodded.

If only she knew how right she was.

»Besides,« she continued nervously, »Yoongi kind of told me.«

My body stiffened.

»He what?«

That was impossible.

He would rather die than admit dating someone like me. He even denied it in my face the minute we broke up. I couldn't imagine him going around telling people we had something going on three years ago.

»Well, he didn't really tell me exactly what the deal between you two was, but I figured since you're clearly avoiding him,« she explained softly.

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