Part 22

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Yoongi: The dream

It was a beautiful spring day, sunny and quiet, just as I liked it. Well, except for the 'sunny' part.

It felt almost suffocating for my 15-year-old self to be forced to go to school, especially since I didn't have any friends. I hung out with these dark dudes from the class above last year, but we had a big fight the last time we saw each other so I lost them too.

Whatever, I was stuck to them only because they had weed anyways.

I kicked a small rock on the road and pulled my hoodie lower when I passed the library. That was the place where all the nerds and unpopular kids were after school and even if I was one of them I refused to ever enter that hell.

Whatever, I didn't even like studying.

My only dream was to make music, but my parents were strictly against it, saying I should choose a job that shows a profit. I was 15, for fuck's sake, I didn't give two shits about profit.

"Um, excuse me?"

I felt a light pat on my arm, causing me to snap out of my daydream, ready to cut a bitch that dared to disturb me. However I was met with the purest almond shaped eyes I ever laid my own on, staring up at me like the ones of a lost puppy.

I tensed in response, figuring I would probably stutter if I had to answer.

"Hi," the small creature in front of me beamed, not even waiting for an answer before he continued.

"My name's Jimin. I have a feeling we've met before."

I composed myself quickly and tried to get rid of his noisy and annoying presence by yanking my hand away from his grip.

"Fuck off, I don't know you."

He didn't seem bothered by my words, in fact, I could say that his eyes showed only amusement mixed with something I couldn't quite read. Confusion, maybe.

"Well," he squeaked as he ran after me  down the street with short light steps, "I think we should get to know each other."

"I think the heck not."

"Why not?"

"Why yes?"

He giggled with his annoying ass high pitched voice while clinging to my arm like a koala. We knew each other for a minute now and my stomach was already doing flips out of irritation.

"What's your name, by the way?"

"That's none of your business."

He pouted, his lips so plump- I mean, disgusting.

"I told you my name. It's only fair if you tell me yours."

"It's Yoongi," I said with a low exhausted sigh.

He smiled, his big eyes turning into crescent moons.

"Yoongi, let's get to know each other."

I groaned and pushed him away but as I thought I finally got rid of him I felt a soft touch of his hands cupping my cheeks. I froze.

"No, Yoongi, let's date."

My chest tingled so much I nearly forgot how to breathe or nag, both of those things really necessary in this situation.

When I  didn't answer right away Jimin just giggled to himself and walked away, leaving me on my parent's driveway to blink, frown and then blush.

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