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I wake up to silence. Well almost silence, I can hear a heartbeat.
I take in surroundings. I'm in Jerome's bed, in Jerome's arms, and it's freezing.

I pull the plush comforter up to my nose and burry my face into Jerome's chest.

"How're you feeling?" Jerome asks me in a soft tone.

"My leg feels pain." I slur, half asleep.

He chuckles quietly, and rubs my back.

"It's okay. Nothing major. Just rest." He assures me.

"Okay." I say quietly.

I hear footsteps running in the hallway, Jerome groans, and puts his hands over my ears.

Before I know it, Greenwood bursts through the door. Great. This bitch.

"How ya feeling Y/N?!" He screams, trying to give me a headache. I hate him.

"Not now asshole!" Jerome yells back.

"I remember when I first got shot-" Greenwood starts before getting cut off by Jerome.

"I doubt you'd want another one, and you're sure as hell getting close to it." Jerome threatens.

"Damn." Greenwood says under his breath, exiting the room. Yeah, leave you fart.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." Jerome says, rewrapping his arms around me.

"It's okay." I state, snuggling into his warm chest.

"Why do I feel safest in a psychopaths arms?" I mumble, barely audible.

"What?" Jerome whispers back, confused.

"What?" I whisper back, falling back into a peaceful sleep.


It's cold and Jerome is gone.

I sigh and open my eyes.

I look around and hear the shower run. I presume Jerome is in there. Damn I hope it's not that shit Greenwood.

Without thinking, I limp towards the bathroom, stripping as I go.

I walk into the spacious bathroom.

"Y/N?" Jerome calls out, hearing the door close behind me.

I climb into the shower and wrap my arms around Jerome. He does the same.

"Good morning to you too." Jerome laughs, I groan in return.

"I'm saving water." I say jokingly.

"Sure, that's the reason." He says sarcastically, grabbing the shampoo.

"Allow me to wash your hair." He giggles, taking a sarcastic bow.

"Okay." I say simply, letting him wash my hair. Shampoo, rinse, conditioner, rinse.
This is nice. It sucks only being able to stand on one leg though. It must really suck to be Penguin and his dumbass leg.

I turn around, and hug Jerome as the water falls on us. He protectively wraps his arms around me as well.
We stand like this for a little while.

"Ready to get out?" He asks, rubbing circles on my back.

I nod my head, and Jerome turns off the water.

He grabs three towels. He wraps one around me, puts one around himself, and hands the last one to me for my hair.

"Thank you." I say, wrapping my hair in the towel.

"Of course." He states,"you need clothes, don't you?" Jerome pulls a stool towards me, motioning me to sit, not wanting me to stand on my leg.

"I'm sure you'd love to see me run around naked, but I'd prefer clothing." I tease Jerome as I sit.

"I'll be back." He rolls his eyes, and leave the bathroom to get my clothes.

I can't stop smiling when I'm around him. I don't understand. He killed many people, and yet he takes showers and shit with me. Where is the logic.

The door opens, reveling a smiling Greenwood.
Damn it.

"Hi baby." He exclaims, taking a step closer.

"Ew. Go away dumb dumb." I say, scrunching my nose, hearing footsteps coming closer.

"Y/N, plug your ears and close your eyes. Stay like that 'till I say otherwise." I hear Jerome state.

I say nothing, but do what he says. I jump at the sound of a gunshot and a drop of blood landing on me.

That's not great.

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