Oh wow

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Soooooo, here's a part of a book I'm working on. (And no it's not about Cameron Monaghan, but feel free to imagine that)

"Ro" is pronounced like "Row".
It's short for Aurora.

I stand at the edge of the deep end, in my bathing suit, staring at the water that's illuminated by the blue lights.

I've felt numb for the past six months.
I just want to feel something.
It doesn't have to be pleasant or a nice feeling. Just something that isn't nothing.

It's 60 degrees fahrenheit outside, I imagine the water is going to be freezing.

I hear the door open and close.

I look up to Cam walking towards me, in his swimsuit.

"You didn't think I'd let you freeze alone, did you?" He asks softly, walking to my left side and interlocking his fingers with mine.

"Don't let go of my hand." I say, looking from our conjoined hands, to his beautiful eyes.
The water reflects onto his face, making a dark blue hue appear.

"I won't. I promise." He states with a soft smile, and squeezes my hand in reassurance.

We both look forward, and without a word, we take a step.

It's freezing.
But it gives me feeling.
Like an electric shock.
Or a bunch of needles poking me, threatening to pierce my skin.
Regardless, it's feeling, and I haven't felt anything in a while.
The only warmth I get is from Camron's hand holding mine.

Once we reach the bottom, we push off to get to the surface. If it wasn't for the need to breathe, I'd stay down here for a while.
It's a nice, weightless feeling.

We reach the top, and swim to a place where we can stand.

The water's at my shoulders, and at his chest.

We just look at each other, our hands still together.

We walk closer together, craving some form of heat.

Cameron wraps his arms around my waist, and I wrap mine around his neck.
I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist, causing me to be a little taller than him.

"Ro, I need to tell you something." He says, never breaking eye contact.

I nod in response, feeling every move the cold water makes.

"I love you, Aurora. I've loved you for as long as I can remember. And I don't think I'll ever stop loving you."

"I love you too, Cameron."

Without another word, we both slowly lean in.
His lips connect with mine, and I can't help but love every second of it.
My right hand tangles into his wet hair, and my left hand cups his cheek.

Our lips part only for the sake of our need to breathe.

"I'm glad we see eye to eye." Cameron smiles as he presses our foreheads together.

"Me too." I smile back, bringing my right hand down to rest on his face.

I love every second of this.

Cameron reattaches our lips, and I don't complain.

He smiles into the kiss, and so do I.
How can I not?

His tongue grazes over my bottom lip, asking for entry. I part my lips slightly, letting his tongue enter.

It it wasn't for him, I'd be dead. I couldn't live without him. Sure we fight sometimes, but everyone does.
I love him, and no matter how mad I may get at him, that will never change.

We part lips again.

"Do you feel anything yet?" Cameron asks, slightly out of breath, recalling that the purpose of jumping into the freezing pool was to feel something.

"Yeah, do you?" I reply, resting my arms over his shoulders.


Oh btw, a few chapters of Jerome's Little Toy will come out today and tomorrow.

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