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I'll stay calm, and pretend this is part of a plan!

I look into his beautiful ocean eyes, and for a moment, just a moment, I want to pull him close and kiss him.

"What's next, Jerome?" I question with confidence and sarcasm, never breaking eye contact

"What do you mean, (Y/N)" he taunts with a smirk.

He pulls on the small chain from the singular lightbulb above us, turning on the dim light.

"What's the next phase in your little plan on controlling everything I do? The next move in your game?" I snap at the amused ginger.

"My next step is to teach you a thing or two." Jerome growled as he pushes me against the wall, both hands on my hips.
"But I can't let you get away with this little stunt you decided to pull." He continues, removing his right hand from my waist, up to my neck, slowly tightening his grip, strangling me.

I smile through the pain, and look at him.
Knowing I'm going to pass out, his eyes are flooding with emotion.

Anger, passion, lust, shock, fear.

I never thought he could comprehend fear, but I guess he can.
As I fall into darkness, I keep smiling at him. Maybe he'll think that I'm tougher than I look.
I'm not tough, I'm smart. There is a difference. But him thinking I'm tough will either make my situation better or worse.


I wake up in the same room I woke up in the first time I was here.

Chains and all.

I look around the dimly lit room, and spot a key to my right, and a butcher knife to my left. The key is out of reach, but the knife is right next to me.
I look at the key, and lay down on my stomach. I reach for it with my feet, and push it up to my hands.

I unlock myself, and unlock the door.
This is so stupid. I'm going to get killed.
I creep out of the room, and decide to pay Jerome a little visit.

I notice my old room is two doors down, so his is right next to mine.

I knock on his door, and put on a fake, eager smile.

He opens the door angrily, expecting it to be anyone but me.
His annoyed expression quickly changes to excitement when he sees me.

"Hi princess!" He says in a baby voice.

"Hi daddy!" I say in the same voice, not realizing what I just said.

"Oh I love that nickname!" He exclaims, rolling his head back.
It takes me a second to realize what just happened. I called a psycho, Jerome Valeska, daddy! What the fuck?!

"You're smarter than I thought, (Y/N). " he states, wrapping an arm around my waist, and pulling me into his room.

"Oh am I?" I reply as he sits us down on his bed. I know where this is going.

"Yes, you're very clever." He mumbles as he leans towards my neck, leaving a trail of kisses and light bites.

"So, tell me how ya did it, baby girl." He says as he continues this act of affection. Well more like bribing me to answer.

"I'm not that stupid." I laugh, causing him to smile. I'm not going to tell him just so he won't make that mistake again!

"You really are smart." He says, sitting back up, looking at me.

I roll my eyes. He's so childish.

"So, ya wanna watch a movie or something?" He asks as he leans back, and grabs the remote, as if we're normal.

"Uh, sure." I respond, leaning back, a foot away from him.

"What type?" He questions, going through them all.

"Surprise me." I reply, quite skittish that he completely changed the subject.

As expected, he clicks on the horror movies.
Don't get me wrong, I love horror movies, but some of them are about kidnapped people, and that would be awkward.

He eventually clicks on one that isn't based on a kidnapping, and we watch it.

I'll admit, we're only 45 minutes in, and it's scary.

I've jumped three times. All inching closer to Jerome.

Suddenly, Jerome's strong arms wrap around my waist, and pulls me closer to him.
I guess he caught on to the me being scared thing.
He rests his head on my boobs like a pillow, and continues watch the movie.
I start to play with his soft hair to distract myself from the screams coming out of the tv.

As we lay here, like normal teenagers who haven't killed there mother and been kidnapped, he doesn't seem that bad.
Sure he comes off strong, but I guess Jerome just learned that it's better to seem strong than weak.
I don't know what I'm saying, I'm tiered and playing with a psychos hair. I need sleep.

And that's what I do. I sleep.

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