9. Brie

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n the back wall of the club, close to Sheena's bar, was a door that led to the hallway where Largo's office was. There was also some storage back there, but Brie knew it was really the way to get to the area where Largo held his events.

When she looked up from the bar, Brie just happened to be facing the door that, unfortunately for her, was open with her boss standing in it.

Largo was a Darilian, which was a reptilian species. He was only about five and a half foot tall, and so slim he seemed skeletal. His skin was a dry, leathery brown that reminded Brie of paper.

Darilians only had vestigial scales, and he had them in place of eyebrows, covering most of his scalp, on the point of his chin, and the backs of his hands. A meticulous charcoal gray suit covered the rest of him, besides the scaled tail peeking out below his jacket. He also had slits for nostrils instead of a protruding nose like humans and most other species.

Brie was close enough to tell his yellow eyes had focused on her, but she wasn't sure how long he had been watching. She gave him a hesitant smile but was saved by Sheena coming over to get her order. She didn't take the time to chat since the boss was standing there and there were others at the bar to serve.

With a quick glance back at Largo, who was still watching her, Brie steeled herself to take the drinks to the table where Zander and his friend sat. She kept her eyes downcast as she worked her way back to them.

Peaking up to pass a group of Alphas standing near one of her tables, Brie noticed the closest ones were all staring at her. She met the eyes of one of them as he flared his nostrils, scenting her as she passed.

"I'll be right back to get your orders," she said to him, edging around his group.

She assumed that's why they were watching her.

"Just let me drop these off."

Reaching the Nargarian's table, she tried to ignore the Alpha that kept unsettling her.

"Here ya go, who's paying?"

Brie tried to sound normal while keeping her eyes on the table as she sat the drinks before them. She looked up at the other Nargarian, but he raised his eyebrows and tipped his head towards Zander.

He was already holding his wrist out for her when she swung her eyes to his. They were still almost solid black, only a thin ring of violet showed around the edges. He was emitting a quiet growl so low, Brie could feel it more than hear it, and she felt her breathing stutter. Her heart was pounding, and more slick leaked from her core to soak into her already wet panties.

Fumbling her scanner out of her apron, she went to pass it over his wrist, but his other hand reached out and wrapped around hers. Brie's skin tingled where he touched her and she marveled at the way his hand enveloped hers, even while holding the fist sized scanner.

His low growl stopped.

"My name is Zander Endariel. I would love to know yours," he said so quietly she almost didn't hear him as he gazed into her eyes.

Brie was quiet for a moment, debating about if she wanted him to know her name.

Sighing, she whispered, "Brie."

As soon as her name slipped past her lips a rich, thrumming sound came from his chest that seemed to soak through her, leaving a warm, euphoric feeling in its wake. Though she had never heard it before, her instincts told her what it was.

Brie's eyes widened in awe, shocked that this strange Alpha was purring for her. Her entire body relaxed, and she leaned closer to him. Reveling in the sound, and his wonderful smell wrapping around her, her eyes began to slide shut.

The purr cut off as Zander cleared his throat, looking away from her like he just realized what he was doing. For a moment, his markings turned a pale pink before settling back to their usual bluish-black.

Brie shook her head and pulled away.

"Um, okay. Let me know if you need anything else," she said, trying to collect her scattered wits.

Zander looked back at her and nodded.

Brie turned and headed to the table she had passed before, once again noticing that the nearby Alphas all seemed to watch her. She was feeling edgy and uncomfortable with all the scrutiny. At least when she glanced at the back wall, the door was closed, and Largo was nowhere to be seen.

"Okay everyone, sorry about the wait. What can I get for you?" Brie chirped, plastering on a fake smile while trying to focus.

Every eye at the table was glued to her, though they remained silent. She started to squirm when the Alpha to her right leaned over and drew in a deep breath.

Fidgeting, one of the men across the table from her finally spoke up and said they wanted two pitchers of whatever was cheapest. Relieved to escape the awkwardness, she turned to head to the bar, but the Alpha on the other side of her blocked her path, scenting her.

He groaned.

"You smell delicious. Why don't you just stay with us and we forget the drinks? We could go somewhere quieter," he said, crowding her into the Alpha behind her. "Get to know each other."

Where Zander's growl and innuendos excited her, this Alpha made her shiver with disgust. Her heart was pounding, and her brain couldn't put together a coherent thought.

"Sorry, gotta work," she said, trying to slip around him.

He caught her arm and pulled her against him before she could take more than a step.

"We can pay for a good time," he leered down at her.

"Well, I'll let one of the pleasure girls know to come tend you then," she said, straightening her back and lifting her chin.

She knew that allowing him to see her discomfort would just make it worse. When the alpha reached for her, she lifted her tray into his path, blocking him and scooting out of reach.

Walking as quick as she could, Brie made her way to Sheena at the bar.

"I've got to go. The Alphas are scenting me. I need to take my pill."

She tried to keep her voice down, but she was panicking. Two Alphas sitting down the bar from her turned her way.

"Damn, yeah, even I'm starting to smell you. Go. Be careful," she said and started to turn away.

"Wait," Sheena called, turning back to her.

She reached under the counter and came back with a can of spray.

"Might be kind of weird, but it's better than having someone follow you or grab you on the way. It should cover your smell long enough to get home."

Brie dropped her apron behind the counter and sprayed herself with the can, concentrating it around her hips and her pulse points. She choked on the smell, her head pounding right between her eyes from the cloying scent.

"Thanks, I'll message you when I get home," Brie said, rushing toward the exit.

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