7. Zander

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 took Zander and Rainor a couple of hours to finish strapping down their cargo. The building supplier contacted the ship and let them know that the delivery of the materials would start the next morning, so they were free for the rest of the day.

By the time they had cleaned up and eaten, it was late in the evening. As they left the lift closest to the club, Zander thought he caught a trace of scent from the girl in the market.

He parted his lips to get a better taste of the air, and he was sure she had been there recently. Just her scent had his shaft growing stiff.

"You okay?" Rainor asked him, looking around.

Zander realized he had started growling and cut it off with a little cough.

"Yeah, fine. Let's get inside and look around a bit, then we can grab a drink."

He strode through the doors, stopping to let his eyes adjust to the low light and get his bearings. It was just a giant dark room with a bar on each wall, and loud, pounding music. He wasn't impressed.

They walked across the front of the club, then turned and headed to the back, finding an empty table near the dance floor a little over halfway down the side of the room. There were a couple more tables between them and a sectioned off area in the corner that he assumed was reserved for parties.

A tall female with ebony skin came to take their order. She almost matched his height and had eyes that glowed orange along with tiny orange dots going down her neck, arms, and what he could see of her legs.

Her white hair almost hid the small ridge of horns along her hairline. Without the hair and fluorescent dots, she would have been hard to see in the dark room.

Zander let Rainor order and flirt with the waitress as he scanned the room for the girl from the market. He kept catching stronger whiffs of her delicate vanilla scent, so he knew she was in the room somewhere. He strained his ears, but it was too loud to hope to catch her voice.

He grew impatient and stood as he finished his drink.

"I'll grab us another," he said.

Walking to the bar on the back wall since the line seemed shorter, Zander turned his head caught sight of a dark ponytail. The girl from the market was headed towards the bar as well.

By her apron and the tray she carried, he realized she must be a waitress, and he altered his path, aiming to cut her off before she got to the bar.

She didn't notice him until she was once again bouncing off his chest. Reaching out, he caught her arms to keep her from falling. The feel of her soft skin against his palm made him want to stroke her all over and see how she responded.

"I'm starting to think you keep running into me just to have an excuse to touch me," Zander said once she made eye contact with him, her blue eyes wide.

He leaned down to breathe in her scent.

"All you have to do is ask and I'll let you touch anything you want."

Zander let a bit of growl leak into his voice. She still smelled of vanilla with a hint of fruit, and he wanted to devour her, but something about her scent was different than this morning.

Some extra note that had called to him was missing.

The girl shivered and seemed to lean toward Zander until a nearby shout startled her and caused her to pull back, shaking off his hands.

Moving her tray between them, she said, "I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean. You stepped in front of me just now, and earlier was an accident. Someone pushed me."

She was trying to sound uninterested, but her sultry voice stroked him the same as if she had reached out with her hand. His cock twitched in his pants at the thought.

"Mmm... I'll still let you touch when you decide you're ready to. If you ask nicely," he responded, winking at her with a smile. "I'll be around."

She walked past him, trying to act unaffected, but he could scent her arousal. He watched her until she was almost to the bar before moving back toward the table where he had left Rainor. Luckily, the dim lighting helped hide the bulge in his pants, though it was uncomfortable to walk.

Rainor looked at him strangely when he sat back down at the table.

"What?" Zander said.

"Uh, drinks?" Rainor replied shaking his empty glass.

Zander had forgotten that he was supposed to be getting another round. Noticing the waitress passing by, he signaled her to bring two more. Just after she delivered them, he turned his head and caught sight of the girl staring at him as she carried a tray full of drinks.

Zander smirked and tipped his drink at her. Even from where he was, he could see a pink flush come to her cheeks.

"So that's what made you forget the drinks," Rainor said following his gaze. "She's a sexy little piece. Think she can handle us both?"

Rainor was choking before he knew Zander had moved. Zander's hand wrapped around Rainor's throat with his talons pricking the sides of his neck, and he was snarling an inch from Rainor's face.

"She will do no such thing. She's mine," Zander hissed through his bared teeth.

Rainor raised his hands, palm out.

"Sorry Zane, she's all yours," he said, dropping eye contact until Zander relaxed and let him go.

Zander's talons and canines were still extended, and his chest heaved as he sat back in his chair. Rainor drained his drink and wiped a few drops of blood from the side of his neck.

Clearing his throat, Zander apologized to his friend.

"She's sure got your panties in a twist. I hope she puts out soon," Rainor mumbled.

Zander glared at him, debating on whether punching him in the face would do any good. Rainor was younger than him and saw every female as a hole to stick his cock in. Zander wasn't sure why he reacted the way he had, but there was no way in hell he was letting Rainor, or any male, touch the girl he had decided was his.

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