Chapter 6

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Tensou and Gia tended to the team. Emma was taken care of first and sat up in case they needed assistance. Gosei and Troy scanned the city for Kent, along with checking in on the news. Most of them discussed the Power Rangers while others were focusing on the Power Rangers sighting. True these heroes have been seen beforehand, however this was growing to be more problematic.

"Ooo, maybe I can tell him Zack came over and meant to throw the ball to me, but broke the window by accident." Jake suggested.

"Zack is uncoordinated," Noah agreed on that point, "but I know your dad and he already warned Zack not to throw inside."

Jake sighed.

"We'll just replace it before he comes back home. I have plenty of supplies back at my house." Noah offered.

"Thanks buddy, but I don't know how we're going to get it done," Jake responded as Gia taped his leg, "Kent could come back at any moment and we have to watch out for him before he tried anything on--OWW!"

"Don't shift and it won't hurt." Gia told him.

Jake whimpered a little from the pain as Orion sat on the edge of his bed, looking at the silent red ranger, "are people still talking?"

"They've been doing it all day," Troy retorted, still viewing the panel, "it surpassed Hollywood News and it's number one on trending."

"And that never happens." Emma commented, to which Noah nodded in agreement.

"Oh boy, oh boy! This isn't good." Tensou panicked.

"Chill Tensou," Gia relaxed him, "I have an idea. Remember when Jordan made everyone believe he was the Red Ranger?"

"Yeah so?" Jake asked.

"Let's do that, pay other people to take the credit so no one will pry in on our lives." Gia explained.

Turning around, the leader was unsure of that, "I don't know, people aren't going to buy it so easily, especially after what Jordan did."

"Dude, that was last year, everyone probably forgot by now." Jake retorted.

"Vanni had a point too, our voices are muffled but, they don't change and no one's put that together yet." Orion mentioned.

Noah shrugged, "it's worth a shot."

Emma nodded, showing she approved. Gia finished up Jake and moved onto Noah. Sighing silently to himself, the dragon leader headed for the exit, needing time to think it over.

"Where are you going?" Emma wondered.

"I'll be back, I need some air." Troy told her, turning and leaving the base, with the others sharing a glance in curiosity.

- - - -

"She never values my opinions, ignores me, and I can't ever do anything without her permission!" Savannah lashed out to herself, frustrated. She sighed, running a hand through her red waves as she stood outside of the tower. Getting away from Elaine to try and calm down was her best option, "I can't live like this forever."

The young redhead looked to the skies, feeling temporarily hopeless, "who am I kidding, she'll let me go when I'm dead."

"Savannah!" A voice shouted in the distance.

'Great.' Vanni sarcastically thought, wishing to be alone.

She heard footsteps coming towards her, yet she refused to turn around to see who it was. They stopped once they reached her.

"Hey are you-"

"Okay? I'm surprised you're concerned." Savannah cut her off.

"I always am. Look she was going to make this happen somehow," Carla told her, "Mom is-"

"Nuts," Savannah finished for her as she turned to face her, "and you know it, she never let's me do anything," she was very annoyed, "as mature as I try to be or as responsible as I try to be, it never matters. I never win with her."

"That we know," Carla agreed, "and I'm sorry, but it's not like you can disobey her."

Savannah scoffed, "yeah?" She then moved awa from Carla, "we'll see about that won't we?"

She teleported away, leaving her mother to sigh.

- - - -

"Men, we have a mission, so listen up! One of you is coming with me!" Kent yelled through his radio on the wall of his 'house'. Every soldier was required to have one in case they were called in, "we're taking a trip back to Earth! Rest of you are going after the Chamber. Only way to unlock the other dimensions we need to travel through, get to it!"

He stopped for a moment as he smirked, "and I'm going to get those Rangers."

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