Chapter 4

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The conference finally ended, leaving a stressed Carla to pace back and forth in her building. She hated the constant tension within her family. Always power vs. power. Not in the way you think however. It's about who has it and controls people with it against who wishes they could have it. And while their situation makes sense in why it was this way, Carla was growing tired of how long this has been happening.

"You could pass my pacer test moving like that," Daniel joked with a small smile. Carla did not respond, causing him to talk more, "look, let's just tell her Savannah's busy-"

"Mom knows she'll do anything to avoid her. You know those two can't even be in the same room without one of us being there." Carla cut him off.

She sighed, with Daniel looking to his left with his eyes for a moment before suggesting, "kidnap and hang them?"

Carla turned and put a hand on her hip replying with, "you want us to kidnap and hang two wild animals?"

"Last time I checked they're..." Daniel realized what she meant once 'the look' came into affect. The other head of the River's Foundation shook it off and continued talking, "look it doesn't matter, they need to talk."

That is when Carla started to smirk, making Daniel confused and prompted him to ask, "what?"

"Oh they're gonna talk, I have an idea." Carla said mischeviously.


Making her way into the city, the young redhead was moving at a fast pace. The information she had just received was something the team needed to be notified about. Taking out her phone, Savannah called the first name that had popped up amongst the team members. After a few minutes, she didn't get an answer. She tried again. Nothing. That was a sign and it worried her greatly.
  Utilizing her teleportation power would be the best option but, Vanni had another solution. She reached higher ground by hopping on top of a dumpster standing against an old dive and pushing her body up to the roof of a building. Once she was back on her two feet, her eyes scanned the city. Sensing danger, she used her abilities to be able to hear from afar. Sounds of grunts, clashing, hit and slams came into her ears. And that provoked her.
  Savannah started to run. She flipped off of the roof to rush back to Jake's house, shoving past others and running with the speed of the Flash. Her heart thumped like a drum line at a school football game, which she had never been to. Concern levels increased and it only made her run faster, if that were possible. After dealing with this guy for so long, the blue eyed beauty prayed for her comrades to be okay.


"Argh!" Gia groaned as her back hit the floor for what felt like the fifth time.

Noah was next to go down, followed by Troy, who rolled backwards and ended up on his knees. He pushed himself up and helped the blur ranger stand while Gia got back to her feet alone. Emma and Orion tried to hold the enemy off while Jake morphed. The others followed suit.

"Legendary Ranger Mode, SPD!" They called.

With speed and agility, the four of them combined their abilities to create a powerful strike. Both the pink and silver ranger, who nearly fell to the ground, moved out of the way as their teammates spun through the air and came down with a slash. Kent returned to the floor, sliding into the concrete. The commotion in the neighborhood, starting with the broken door, had people watching through their windows. And unfortunately, some of them had their phone out.

"Nice hit." Orion complimented his friends, who seemed proud for the moment.

"Yeah," Kent agreed as he stood back up. The heroes turned to look at him and prepared for his next attack, "nice hit."

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