Back For You (Request) (Part Three)

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if you haven't read the past two parts please do so :)


The blood pumping in my veins slowed, making each beat of my heart louder and stronger.

I heard him suck in a breath, and I couldn't take it. Catching him off guard, I shoved him off of me, jumping off the bed.

His eyes flashed with something like amusement, and he laughed, standing up at the foot of the bed.

"I guess it wouldn't be interesting without a chase," he shrugged. I was terrified, shaking with every breath, but I was determined not to become his meal.

"You've been chasing me for long enough," I countered, putting my hand on the chair that sat in the corner of the room where I stood.

"I could do it forever." I tried not to breathe as I found the strength to chuck the chair at him.

It almost didn't surprise me when the chair broke to pieces as it hit him.

"That was so cute," he cooed. I glared at him, feeling the pain in my arm for exerting myself in that way.

"I don't want to die," I whispered, watching my eyes fill up with tears.

"Neither do I," he choked out, frowning at himself afterwards. A few tears fell as I felt disappointed in myself that I knew that was the perfect moment to escape.

He stared at the ground for a second too long, and I pulled open the door, stupid to think that my escape would be anything but futile.

We were in a hotel, and I sprinted down the hallway, rushing past dozens of rooms until I was slammed back against the wall, letting out a shriek as the air rushed from my lungs.

"It's useless," he smiled, shaking his head as he pushed himself even closer to me. My back pressed into the wall, and I thought that maybe he didn't know how strong he was.

A noise came from the left, and two people stepped off the elevator.

Surprisingly, I wasn't surprised when he kissed me. I got the feeling they would find it suspicious that I was pinned up against the wall for no reason.

His lips were cold against mine, sending shivers down my spine and goosebumps along my skin.

He kept kissing me, even after I heard a door open and close. He used his fingers to pull my back off the wall by my belt loop, and my torso shifted closer to him as a result.

I pulled away, wondering how I had forgotten that he was trying to kill me.

"Back off," I whispered urgently, looking into his mesmerizing, purple eyes. I slid away from the wall, and him, stepping over to the elevator and pushing the button.

Something told me he wouldn't hurt me right then, so I tried to calm down and figure out what to do. My heart was pounding, but I felt my fingers stabilize, stopping their trembling.

"Take me home," I ordered, turning to see him standing behind me. He didn't smirk, he didn't make a sly remark, he just nodded.

He gently, almost timidly, placed his hand around my wrist, pulling me to his chest. My shoulders bore his arm, and I closed my eyes.

When I opened them, he let me go, stepping back.

"Wait," I called, seeing his tensed, ready muscles relax as he stopped to listen.

"Did you. . .enjoy kissing me?" I wondered, almost smirking at him. He blinked at me, shoving his hands in his pockets -- a very human action, if I might add.

"Yeah," he sighed, sounding guilty. The blush that came to my cheeks seemed to intrigue him.

"Then keep me alive," I shrugged, unlocking my front door.

"Why?" he wondered, using his speed to come and lean close to me.

"Obviously," I started, glancing at him. "You haven't kissed many girls and felt the way you did." I stared up at him, knowing that he would be blushing if he could. I also knew I was right.

"So keep me alive so we can do this again."



thanks to Leahsheehanxxx for requesting this! I hope you liked it!

idk if there should be another part?


Mel xx

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