Midnight Swim (Request)

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I slipped off my shirt and shorts, sighing and wiping a few tears off my cheeks.

The pressure of my upcoming wedding was almost too much. I needed to relax, and I was too awake to sleep. It was midnight, and I had slipped out of bed without disturbing Niall.

The pool behind my house looked divine, so I took a dive in, instantly feeling relieved. I let my mind go blank, pushing everything away that made me upset.

I began to float on my back, inhaling and exhaling as slowly as I could.

"Having fun?" I heard someone say. I jumped in the water, splashing myself a little bit. I looked up to see Niall, and I relaxed again, feeling comfortable around him even in my underwear.

"Sorry. I thought you were asleep," I shrugged, swimming up to the edge and poking his feet.

"I couldn't sleep," he sighed.

"Me neither-" He began taking his shirt off. "What are you doing?" I asked, watching him stand in front of me with only his boxers.

"I'm getting in," he told me like I should have known. I backed up, knowing how he got into any pool. He got a running start and did a cannonball into the pool. I smiled, feeling the wave from splash me. He surfaced and stared at me for a second.

"What's wrong?" he asked, making me look away from him. "Hailey," he called. I sighed.

"The wedding," I answered, starting to get cold even though it was summer. "I'm so nervous." He came closer to me, taking my hand under the water. My teeth began to chatter, and he inhaled quickly.

"Let's you warmed up, and then we'll talk," he smiled lightly, stepping out of the water. I followed him, picking up my clothes and shivering.

After we had both changed, I walked into the kitchen to make some tea. He walked in, shooting me a sympathetic look.

"Why are you worried?" he wondered, leaning on the counter.

"Everything has to be perfect, in Marie's words," I shrugged, sighing and pouring him a cup of tea. Marie was the wedding planner and my sister. She was planning a perfect wedding, but perfect isn't easy.

"You," he began, walking over to stand by me. "Just need to be yourself. It's our wedding, and it's our decision on what happens," he assured me. I chewed on my lip, knowing how strict she was about everything.

"I hope so," I sighed, taking a sip of my tea.

"Well, I know so," he said in a smooth voice, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"How are you so sure about everything?" I wondered, breathing out slowly as he pressed his lips to my neck and left them there.

"I'm not. I'm only sure about how much I love you. That's my secret weapon," he teased, making me chuckle, while inside I was melting. "I can get through anything with you by my side." I turned to look at him, playing with the fabric of his shirt that rested on his shoulder.

"I love you, too," I whispered, feeling so happy, there, pressed up against him.

I watched him flash me a huge grin before he leaned down and kissed the corner of my mouth, teasing me.

"Hey," I laughed, trying to actually kiss him. He wouldn't let me, and he let go of me to run away. I didn't follow him, though. I waited for a moment, sipping my tea once more.

"Hailey!" he yelled. I laughed under my breath. He walked back into the room, motioning for me to chase him. I put my hands on my hips, shaking my head. He pouted, coming back over to me and finally just kissed me.



thanks to havalliancourt for requesting this! I hope you enjoyed it and I'm sorry for the wait!

thanks for reading! please leave a comment of what you thought. if you would like an imagine, let me know in the comments as well.

I'm literally going to run out of requests soon so any ideas would be greatly appreciated


Mel xx

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