They walked down the hall till they reached Eren's locker. Eren walked up to it and unlocked it and opened it to get his books out for the first class. Once he closed it, he felt a wet thing on his cheek. Levi had kissed and licked his cheek before walking down the hall leaving Eren to blush and hold his cheek before going down the hall to his first class.

3rd period had sucked awfully with Mr. Dot, his English teacher. He was so strict sometimes with his demanding of students coming up to the board and fixing every grammatical error that he or she could find. Eren was lucky to get out with his life when the bell range meaning lunch was just about time.  He walked down the hall, down the stairs and to his locker.

The halls weren't that much filled as last time meaning half the population was now in the cafeteria getting lunch. 

He walked up to his locker and flipped it open only to find a note slowly falling to his feet. He set his books down in the cubby holder and picked up the  note.

Dear Brat,
       Meet me in the B-hall before you go to lunch.


Eren stuffed the note in his pocket and closed the locker.  He walked down the halls, reaching the so called 'B-hall' and saw a certain raven leaning against the wall. Levi spotted Eren walking over to him where he stopped leaning and met the boy half way. Eren looked at him, Green eyes meeting Grey.

"What did you want?" Eren said with much curiosity. 

 Levi just stared back.

"I wanted to show you something." He said motioning Eren to follow him as they made there way up the stairs and to the roof, one place Eren was not familiar with at all. Levi walked in front and as they reached the door, he opened it. They were met with a perfectly blue sky and birds chirping on branches close to the roof.   

Eren walked out first, taking in the view around him. The railing stretch around the perimeter for a safety caution while the trees just hung from the side, well some of the trees. The others were back on the ground at normal height. He ran up to the railing and looked down, seeing nothing but grass and little animals playing around at the bottom, bunny hoping here, a squirrel leaping over there. It was like a peaceful little secret garden almost. Eren looked over to the side and saw a little pond with lily pads and all in it for decoration almost. When did they have a pond by there school? He really needed to map this place out before they leave.

Levi walked up beside him and looked down at the pond and surroundings. This  was like a little peaceful get away. It was so peaceful with nothing but bird chirps and occasional pissed off squirrel yipe. Eren looked over to Levi's calm features and took in the sight. The sun made his hair shiny almost to the point to where it sparkled. His face looked mostly calmer  and it made Eren somewhat happy. This place made Levi feel like he could let his cold demeanor face let loose which made him feel like he knew a secret no one else knew. It was like barred treasure. 

Levi felt a gaze on him and turned to look at a certain boy staring. He looked into those green eyes like they were precious jewels, making him not want to look away.

A few minutes had past and before the other boy could register anything, Eren had gotten some guts and actually kissed Levi. Levi was shocked a little at first but started to fall into the kiss. The scenery, the kiss, it was just all to perfect. The males were in each other's arms kissing like one of those movies with that perfect kissing part with the scenery and all. Just blissful.

Eren pulled away for much needed air before looking back into those grey orbs. They both wanted to stay like this for eternity. No care of others, not having to worry about the up coming party. Not even worrying about the classes or lunch that was being taken right now. It was peaceful to know they could get away from society and hide in the shadows between.

Levi looked at Eren while still holding him by the waist. "Eren?"

Eren snapped out of his thoughts only to reply with a "Yes?" as Levi brought out his phone to see 10 minutes had past meaning they had at least 20 minutes to eat. 

"We got to go back."

It was a little disappointing to say the least but deep down Eren knew that they could come here any time they wanted. It was like their own private club. A peaceful, yet romantic club.

Both men made their way to the doors and with one final look outside, closed the door, and made their way to the lunchroom. 

-Time Skip -

Eren walked out of the school and spotted some of his friends. 

Armin and Erwin together talking to, what looked like to be, Reiner and Bertholdt .

Armin spotted Eren and waved for him to come over.

"Hey Eren, we were just talking about the party. Are you  going with Levi?" Armin said almost excitedly like a little kid in a candy shop. Eren nodded.

"Oh great cuz Reiner and Bertholdt are going and maybe we could all meet up. Levi, you, me, Erwin, Reiner, Bertholdt, and I think I heard Jean and Marco going as well." 

Armin tapped his chin. "So what do you say?"

Eren thought about it for a second but nodded. "Oh great this is gonna be so awsome!" Armin cheered.

It made Eren snicker a little before waving goodbye and heading off to the direction of his house, unaware of a certain raven heading towards him. 

Levi walked up to and stopped right in front of him, blocking his pathway to his home.

 "Oi, aren't you forgetting something?" 

Eren looked at him confused before Levi grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.  

A so-called horse and Connie happened to walk by before Connie wolf whistled. Eren blushed once they pulled away and looked at him almost in a dreamy way. Levi licked his lips, tasting the sweet lips of Eren's on his own. 

"I'll be picking you up tomorrow around 7:30, that sound alright?" Eren nodded and watched Levi walk around him towards the student parking. 

He then walked the pathway he was taking before.

~~At the house of Eren~~~

Eren walked in and looked around, spotting a note on the table. He dropped his stuff and took the note into his hands and read.

Dear Eren,

I'm going to a friends house the weekend. I won't be back till Monday so don't burn down the house. And try not to have a house party while I'm gone.

Love Mikasa.

Eren set the note back down and walked up the stairs. He walked into his room and looked at everything. Clean. 

Mikasa must have cleaned it. 

'Less cleaning for me' Eren thought before plopping onto his bed. 

Saturday was just a day away now. This was something he'd been looking forward to. It was like waiting for Christmas, only his present would be Levi.

Okay I'm so sorry I haven't been on lately.

School is a butt.

I hope this was good  and I'll try to get the next chapter going as well so don't get your hopes down.

The Days That Pass(Levi x Eren)(Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now