Chapter 31 ~ conceal

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Jungkook POV

After visiting haewon I'm extremely happy and i want to look after haewon more than ever. I want to speak to my father first before i bring her, if I don't bring her he will kill her but if i do bring her I don't know what will happen....

I don't trust him as i used to because he wants to make my life miserable for some reason which isnt really clicking for me yet.

I'm about to knock on the door when i hear some rustling of momevement in the room and....moans?

I open the door and see my father over a women, I've never seen her in my life. He hastily gets up and stands up straight buttoning his shirt and the women fixing her pencil skirt.

"What the fuck?" I blurt out

Father clears his throat and the women that looks around my age clings on his arm and stands close by him but what disgusts me the most Is the way she looks at me. So she wanna fuck daddy and his son too. That's fucking brilliant.

"Who is she?" I hiss

"She's my fiancé and i want you to treat her as though she is your mother now"

"What the fuck?! Your getting married to her??" I yell in astonishment

"JUNGKOOK!" My father yells "lower your tone, I'm getting married to her and you cant do a thing about it"

"What about mum?" I say 

"She's dead" he says monotonly, my fingers curl up and my hand balls into a fist as anger rages through me

"Ok i get it, now mum is dead nothing matters?" I growl

"It doesn't matter anymore, I've learnt to move on"

"I can see that" i spit back giving the women a glare.

"Jungkook" he says in a warning tone

I sigh and rub my temples a little before saying "i need to speak to you"

"Go ahead" he say

My eyes flicker to his 'fiance' and i say "privatley"

"Well I'm sure whatever u say it can be said in front of her too, she is a part of our family no" i roll my eyes and shoot him my warning eyes and he sighs before turning to her.

She has a frown but nevertheless leaves the room in a strop, a satisfied smirk replaces my growl and i turn to my father as the door closes behind her.

"Hurry, what is it?" He says impatiently

"If i killed her what would you do?" I say with a smirk crossing my arms over my chest

He snaps and his eyes go wild and livid "don't you dare"

I chuckle "i wont but lets make a deal here"

He says "gon on" urging me to carry on

"Don't come near haewon, if you do that bitch fiance of yours will die" i say

"Your supposed to bring her" he says

"I know but she's... not ready"

"What do you mean she's not ready?" He asks confused

"You will understand when you see her" i say and turn on my heel and walk out leaving him confused.


Weeks go by in a heartbeat i visit haewon regularily and look after her in the best way possible, she has many weird cravings so i do run around a lot trying to give her whatever she wants, Jin scolded me once because she was having too much chocolate and it's was unhealthy and she needed proper meals not live off cravings.

Jin came very rarely because if he was linked to haewon and me then he would get killed because he is my fathers hitman and my father scolded him regualar already for not meeting his needs and requirements.

According to Jin my father has been spending more and more time with that women that ever and he doesn't really care about anything, his orders for Jin has become less frequent and his job less stressful.

I know my father and he would be hiring others to look for haewon and everyday its getting more and more dangerous.

I'm taking haewon to see my father tomorrow and from there our plan begins...

"Look at this" she says, her face has become more brighter and her skin glows and is more beautiful than ever, she's perfect.

I gaze into her beautiful honey coloured eyes and see the baby clothes that she points out in the book.

"That's nice, we don't know if its a boy or a girl though" i point out

She has her thinking face on, she scrunches her little nose and her brows and she looks deep in thought

"That's true but we can always buy baby neutral clothes that way we don't have to worry about buying the wrong gender clothes" she says with a chuckle

Her head rests against my chest as she sits in my lap going through the catalogue of baby haven.

Her long lashes cascade over her checks in shadows as she flicks through the pages. I softly kiss her temple and ask "do you want a boy or a girl?"

"Well i want a boy, I don't mind having a girl tho, what about you?"

"If its a girl i want it to look like you because your adorable and cute but if its a boy I don't mind, it will have good genes from its dad" i say with a smirk

She chuckles and burys her face in my chest, wrapping her arms around my torso and leaving the book as we both sigh and sit in content and peace.

All of a sudden the window smashes and i know we are no more safe.... 




Hey yall 

Yeah sorry cliffhanger.....I'm so mean

The next update will be coming soon...

Updates may be slower because my exams are coming and i also have so much work to submit at college and its really stressing me out.

Ill update at least once a week, if your lucky then two times a week because I'm also updating blood lust (jjk ff) and jimin ff will be on hold for a while whilst i get my shit together.

For those wondering about the new jungkook ff, the first chapter will be releasing soon so look out for that! And try recruit other readers because I don't want that book to be a flop 😂 

Thank yall for everything 

I love you guys so much 😭😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Don't forget to VOTE and also COMMENT coz they really do make my day

Until next time

Peace out ✌️ 

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