Chapter 5 ~ Confused

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Shoutout to ay_jk on Youtube


After several attempts of pushing him away, he finally lets me go and i hurry over to the food with my heart that is thumping like crazy to the other side of the room.

why is my heart thumping like mad?

a heavy feeling settles on my chest and i begin to wonder why im feeling so hot and bothered because of jungkook

I sit down on the soft comfortable cushioned chair and eat whatever jungkook bought me, i'm seriously confused he treats me so much better than how the other members of his group did, like that jimin guy and the suga guy from the kitchen.

why did they threaten and want to kill me and this guy lets me sleep in his room and the scary thing is im not bothered, i feel more safe than i did when i was alone in the old bedroom.

i'm so confused, i don't know whether i should trust my head or my heart....ugh this really is ridiculous

I open the bag of chips and eat it all until the bag is completely and utterly empty because im starving like hell.

i don't even remember the last time i ate decent food, like a proper meal...

i guess i probably never will as i live the life of a captive, the thought makes my mind race.

i wont ever live a normal life again, well as normal as life got me when i was living it. i sigh and feel eyes burning holes in the back of my head.

getting up from the comfy chair i turn to look at the dark haired man that sits on the gaming chair, in a comfortable position as if he has absolutely no worries in the whole world.

"why am i still here?" i say confidence suddenly surging through me.

His doe like eyes turn to look me over and a smirk plays on his lips, damn why does that smug smirk suit him so much?

i lift an eyebrow and cross my arms over my chest "well...?" i say hoping he will answer

He sits up and rests his elbows on his knees and interwines his fingers together as he rests his chin on top of it.

"what do you think?" he says

"oh come on, you cant answer a question with a question" i say with a huff

he tilts his head to the side in an almost charming way when he gets up from his seat making me frozen in place as he takes slow steps towards me all the while taunting me with his big brown eyes that make my legs feel like jelly.

He stands right infront of me, my head tilting up because he is a few inches taller than me, i visibally gulp and he smirk and cocks an eyebrow

"i can ask a question with a question because i make the rules around here" his minty breath fans my face

i'm captivated by his eyes that swirl with emotions that iv'e never seen before in him, the only emotion his eyes have showed me is cold pits of darkness shrouded with a bad past and slightly hurt and ... almost broken.

However as i gaze up into his eyes i see them lighter than before and they are different from the ones he has showed me before.

i roll my eyes at his childish behaviour, feeling confident. i'm not sure where the confidence is coming from but i feel a safe aura around him even though he kidnapped me which is strangely odd coming from me.

"i really don't know why i am still here therefore i'm asking you the reason i'm here" i say answering his question firmly

He waits a heartbeat before saying "your here because i kidnapped you, end of story"

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