Chapter 13 ~ The right thing to do

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Kim Haewon POV

My eyes flutter open and squint as light floods the room. i stretch my arms out and notice Jungkook isnt beside me making the smile on my face drop.

my eyes glance around the room and it settles on a pair of hard, cold eyes that send lasers at me. I dont understand why he is doing this to me?, does he even remember who i am?

I sit up straight and he says "get out"

My face wrinkles in confusion and i say "no"

"your not wanted, so leave" he hisses

"i'm not moving and i want an explanation" i say stubbornly

The thought of me leaving as he wishes doesn't seem pleasant to me, if i want to confront him i will also have to be stronger, i'm a strong girl who's gone through a lot of shit but has always pulled through, i'm not going to let someone like him make me feel weak, pathetic and hopeless.

He clenches his jaw and "i'm not going to give you an explanation"

"don't expect me to leave then" i say standing up and walking towards him

i poke my finger on his chest and say "what did i ever do to you that's made you like this?"

he grabs my hand to stop me from poking his rock solid chest and looks anywhere but my face.

"your here with me and i don't want you here, that's what made me like this"

"don't lie to me jungkook" i seethe

"im not lying" he grits his teeth "just go"

We stare at each other hardly before I soften my gaze and notice the walls he is trying to put up to cover up whatever he's feeling but I can see through him, he's hiding something from me.

"no, im staying with you" i say softly and i interlace our fingers together

his eyes soften at the act before trying to cover it up.

"don't hide your true self from me, don't decieve me with those fake glares because deep down i may not know why but i do know who you are, your a good person, your not a monster, if you were a monster i wouldn't be here" i say

"i am a monster and you should stay away before you get hurt" he says, he try's letting go of my hand but i hold tighter not letting go.

"don't push me away" i plead

"its the right thing to do"

"no it isn't, give me one good reason" i yell

"i kill people for a living Haewon, what if one day i snap and i kill you" he yells back

"you wouldn't" i yell

he plants me swiftly against the wall and traps me in between his arms

"how are you so freaking sure Haewon, wake the fuck up, we live in a sick world and i'm one of the monsters that live in it and you should stay away for your own good" he grits

I look into his eyes that swim with so many emotions and I place a hand on his check, he doesn't flinch away but looks at me with curiosity.

"if you truly were a monster, you wouldn't have kidnapped me to save me from those guys, you wouldn't have gone nuts and saved me from those other guys that kidnapped me and you also wouldn't have helped me when i collapsed outside of your backyard all those years ago, so dont bullshit me" i say softly

Jungkook looks surprised and his look softens "how did you know it was me?"

i reach my hand into my pocket and pull out the chain and dangle it infront of his and my eyes "this and a couple of childhood pictures that confirmed it"

I put the chain over his head and it hangs around his neck, his eyes following my every move and then i smirk "I'm not stupid, you know"

He rolls his eyes and then he says " I don't care it's the more reason you should stay away, I'm a dangerous man"

He's about to turn away from me when I pull his arm making him fall against me gently "I'm not staying away from you, your not dangerous and even if you are I don't give a shit, you hide behind that cold hearted assassin mask but I can see right through you, your a good guy and I know you would never let anything bad happen to me"

"Your an angel and I'm the devil, why would you want to stay with me"

"I guess I'm crazy" I whisper, He leans down slightly and then he comes closer, his face inches away from my own. My heart starts to beat like wild in my chest and he leans in and presses his lips on mine. 



Hey beautiful people,

I finally updated, yaassssss 😆

Hope you enjoyed the chapter x

I'll be back soon, the next chapter will be graphic so like if you have virgin eyes I will warn you during the chapter 😇

Until next time x

Peace out ✌️ 

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