Chapter 9 ~ Flashback

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Jungkook 8 yr old POV

13 yrs ago

I kick the ball against the wall repeatedly for fun, i curve the ball and kick it in different ways having fun as the ball returns to me every single time.

I rarely get to play on my own now that my dad always brings his friends sons around to play at our house, they are like my big brothers but i enjoy playing on my own sometimes because all i ever have to do is train, every day even though i'm the best in my class in taekwondo.

I hit the ball on the wall and i'm so engrossed in my thoughts that i realise the ball rebounded and it has rolled away, i run after it and continue to chase after the run-away ball when it hits something in the distance on the ground, i go closer to get a clearer view that's when i realise that its a girl.

sweat dribbles down the side of her face and she has small cuts and a bleading ear.

i shake her shoulder "hey are you ok?"

she doesnt answer, what is she is not alive, what if she's dead?

should i tell dad?

No i cant tell dad, if i tell dad he might hurt her.

I'm not an idiot and i do know my dad is a professional killer and i have seen him kill a man first hand when that man tried to kill me when i was a bit younger that's when i knew he is no ordinary man, he told me he is a boss and that he kills people that are bad.

so no way am i telling dad about her...

i try getting her up and i half carry half drag her somewhere safer instead of where she was last.

i take her all the way to my bedroom, i have a secret den behind one of my drawers, i go there whenever i need to take a break or to just spend time alone.

i place her on the cushions and get a first aid kit and some snacks from my stash box that no one eats from except me and a hot drink.

I clean her face that has a bit of mud splodged on her side from where she probably fainted and then i clean the cuts, Her forehead is burning with a fever.

i get a towel and wet it with cold water and place it on her forehead to coo her down whilst i clean up her cuts so that they dont get infected, these are really simple ive hurt myself and also learned how to put bandages on because of my Dad when he has ever came home and had a bad injury.

i patiently wait until she awakens...

i change her towel dressing when she slowly opens her eyes, she has beautiful big brown eyes that make me smile

"how are you feeling?" i ask

she suddenly gets up and winces and puts a hand on her back

"where am i?"

"your safe" i reply

"is your back ok?" i ask concerned

"y-yes its fine" she says hesitant

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