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This isn't a rant. This is me writing down exactl what I think during rant time. Well, it may end up to be a rant. I still haven't fully figuured out my mind.

Fuck. I'm angry, so I ned to rant. Fuck, just spelt need wrong. Oh! Maybe I should rant about typos! Nah, that's boring! Oh! A text! Every day I'm shufling. Doot doot doot doot... I forget what comes next! Why is my keyboard being so fucking slow? One missed call? Who from? Haha, like the scary movie. Haha scary movie. FUCK MY KEYBOARD. SO SLOW. MUST REFRESH PAGE. Saving saving saving... done! Now to press the F5 button. FUCK!! It's still slow! Oh! Another text! Must shut down internet explorer! BAH! Hurry up and save for ducks sakes. Yes, I wrote duck on purpoise. Yes, I wrote purpoise on purpose. LOL. My friend's hamster deleted her wattpad app! Dat hamster. Another text! Dude, it is getting late! GASP. I know what my rant is going to be on.

Stupid people and the word defiantly, when they try to use the word definately. Or maybe fucking idiots who don't know who Neil Armstrong is. Lets go check twitter for some more idiots!

So you guys all know who Neil Armstrong is, right? Well, if you don't, then I hate you. He was the first man to set foot on the moon. You know, "That's one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind." ? HE SAID THOSE WORDS.

Now let me get this through some of your thick fucking skulls. Neil Armstrong is NOT the leader singer from Green Day.



Next rant... WOOP WOOP. Ugh, more texts. Okay, here's the one about defiantly.

I'm going to defiantly eat this pie.

Why are you going to defiantly eat a pie?

Oh, I see. The word your looking for is DEFINITELY.

Okay class get settled in now, we're going to have a lesson on the word definately. Do you know how to spell definately. Okay, let's spell it all together now. D. E. F. I. N. I. T. E. L. Y.  See, was that so hard? NOW GET IT RIGHT, DUMB FUCK.

Holy shit it's ten thirty! I need to sleep. Nah, I like ranting better. Holy fuck! Stop texting me! JK, love you!

Control I turns on italic! Control B turns on bold! Control U turns on underline! Yay! This is so fin and awesome! Damn, spelt fun like fin. Oh, I wonder when the next Dark Dimensions comes out. Hm, I need to go see if it's- nope, not there. According to my iPod.

Oh internet, how I missed you for the past week. Oh lookie there, school starts up soon. HOORAY. Damn, I'm such a geek. And nerd. Why did my phone just turn on randomly? OH FUCK ITS POSSESED. Another text. Ugh, my nose itches. No, I'm not picking my nose! I FUCKING HATE YOU BRAIN FOR THINKING OF THAT. MOAR TEXTS. Bed time. Will continue in the moooooring!

Oh, your saying that I'm supposed to not be here? Fuck, I'm going to be late. HOLY SHIT. Why did the dance school just call? Mental note, call mommy later.

Home again, home again. Jiggedy Jig. Ow, that hurt. Oh wow, that is a really awesome minecraft world. Hey look! It's that house I built! I like PC Minecraft better than Xbox Minecraft. Don't get me STARTED on iOS Minecraft. That thing sucks shit!

I am getting so distracted by Minecraft now. Fuck. I should be ranting. Arse tard? Yeah, that's how you pronounce it. Cool story bro, tell it again. Get away from me. I'm going to ignore you now. (Those were aimed at my brother, sorry)

Yaaaaaawn. So tired. Oh look a new text! Oh finally one that isn't from IvoryDragon. Shut the fuck up skype! Stop being such a bitch!

Huh, I need to get some sleep. I woke up too early t'day. Only one hour of battery life left? I should go plug this bitch in. OKay, time to PUBLISH. Then go sleep. Yaaaaaawn. Definitely sleep.

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