Chapter 12

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The final bell rang and I immeadiately make a run for my locker. I am not going to have an awkward situation with scarf boy. Never again!

I spun my combination in and my locker popped open, a yellow piece of paper flutted out. I picked it up sensing that I already know who wrote it.

Wait for me by the school gate after school, we got some unfinished bussiness.

And don't you dare run away! I know what you're planning.


I let out an exasperated sigh. So much for plan 'avoid', he really just can't let it go, can he? Wait a minute. He already got his hat back, what more is there to discuss?




Oh no! No, no, no, no. It must be about magic, other dimensional world, last night and crap! I already decided I don't want to get involved in this. Oh god, can't a girl live a normal life!

Out of conciousness, I slam my locker shut.

"Oh. A note. Is it from an admirer?"

I jumped a the voice. Turning around I found Sunny staring at me with sly smile on her face.

"So, who is it from?" She cooed arching an eyebrow.

"Huh?" I was confused at but then realized that I was still holding the note.

My face felt hot and I quickly rip the note, dunking it in the nearest trashcan. No need to keep it, I guess. I turned back to Sunny.

"Can we go?" I asked trying my best to keep a poker face. Sunny looked at me skeptically but then giggled and seemed to shrug it off.

"Let's go then." She linked our arms and practically skipped down the hallway with me in towed. I bumped into several student along the way and almost tripped down a flight of stairs and Sunny somehow didn't notice all of this. Sometimes I think she could be oblivious to things that it's dangerous to herself and the people around her... especially me. I swear a nuclear bomb could explode in her own backyard and she would still be listening to Kesha, thinking it was the background music. She needs help.

We finally exited through the main door -with my body still intact- and down the steps.

"Hello, ladies."

I stopped dead in my tracks. Noah leaned against the gate, a cheerful smiled plastered across his face.

"Hey!" Sunny took some steps foward pulling me along like a sack of potatoes. She finally let go when were in front of him. "How's it going, snow king."

"Snow king?" He tiled his head sideways.

"Yeah, you know, with that white hair, scarf and stuff. Except, your eyes are a bit of a spoil to this."

He let out a laugh, "I see. But I prefer to be the knight."

"What? But the king is the highest rank, why the knight?"

"No apparent reason." He glanced at me and gave quick wink. I felt myself blush, and diverted my attention to across the street.

When I saw man in a black coat and a black fedora. It was hard to make out with his hat pulled down to cover his face but it felt as of he was staring a us. I felt a shiver down my spine, which was terrifyingly familiar.

"Right, Hanna." Sunny nudged me. I turned my attention back to both of them.

I guess my was a bit pale because Sunny asked, "Hanna? What's wrong?"

I opened my mouth to answer but a honk cut me off. We turned to the source, a black Mercedez was parked under a tree maybe twenty walks away.

At the same time, I glanced back at where the black man had stood to find that he was already gone. It's normal. I turned away for like, three minutes, maybe he just walked away. Yeah, that's it, he just walked away. I tried to convince myself that, but it just doesn't feel right.

"Oh. That's my ride." Sunny chidded. "I better get going. Do you want a ride back, Hanna?"

I wanted to say yes, hopefully I can get the thought of that man out of my head during the ride back with excaping Noah as a bonus, but he cut me off, "Actually, I was thinking if I could give the ride home. You know since we just meet and all, maybe this is a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other." He slings his over my shoulder.

Did he just literally!?

Sunny looked at me and then at Noah and then back to me. I tried my best to make a face that screams, 'Don't leave me, you idiot!'

"Alright then!"

Which didn't work.

"I best be going now!" She clapped me on my shoulder and gave a knowing smile before heading to her ride. I wanted to scream at her, but that'll show how desperate I've become. Plus, it might possibly give away the fact that I'm terrified to be alone with Noah.

No, chill girl. You've been through worst. You almost got killed in you own house. I guess that's worst than this.

Noah turned to me with his arm still around my shoulder, said "Shall we go?" He still had the same smile plastered on his face that's starting to creep me out.

"Yeah, sure." I answered undoubtfully.

"Great." He starts to guide be towards the school gates.

Nope! Nope! This is definitely worst than killer shadows!

Xylia ~Twilight War~Where stories live. Discover now