Chapter 5

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   I stood by the door as I watch the van drive off. Now, I'm all alone in this house. I close the door before going to the fire place or what we call our mini library.

   Huh… so bored. I walk to the book shelf where they had often place the story books at. Might as well read something to past the time.

   Nope, nope, nope, I rejected every one I went through. Nothing seems interesting to me. I let out a sigh. Ah, this is. I take out a book, Twilight war.

   This was the book Madam Layla read to us when I was little. But, I never knew what happens next. Since, I was always distracted by the outside and other things. But, this was one of my favorite stories.

   Well then, might as waste my time reading. I sat down on the sofa as I open the book to the part that I missed.

   "The air kingdom was defeated in the war. So their are two more kingdoms still standing.

   Hmm… during the war some people ran away. Some hid in other kingdoms and some were able to escape to other dimensions." I blink at the statement.

   If this story is true, that means there are possibilities that magic also exist here. I smile at the though, I had always liked magic and wised it existed here. Who know how it'd be like with magic around.

   Just then a loud clap of thunder was heard. I turn to the window, It's raining heavily.

   Suddenly, my ear caught a sound coming from the living room. I place the book to the side before going towards the sound. I was quite shock to see the window open. Is it raining that heavily?

   I immediantly close the window shut before I suddenly saw something from the corner of my eye. I whip around and find nothing. No, a shadow and it's not mine.

   "H… Hello? I… Is someone there?" I call out even though I'm shaking from head to toe.

   After I called out the shadow move along with it's owner, revealing itself. I was paralized at the sight. What is that? It's not a human, it looks more like an wolf but I could see through it. It's like a shadow.

   I stood there eyeing the creature, from top to bottom. It looks just like a wolf with its fangs showing and furry looking body. But, the only difference is that it's see through.

   Suddenly, the shadow starts to growl. Then, taking a ready stand as if getting ready to pounce on a meat.

   Without any warning, it came running towards me. I was able to dodge causing it to crash into the wall.

   I turn around to see the creature was already standing on all four. Once again it pounce at me. This time I wasn't ready for its attack causing me to get knocked down.

  I let out a grunt my body slam to the floor. I was pinned down to the floor with the creature on top of me. It's glowing red eyes staring daggers at me. I shut my eyes expecting for the worst to come.

   Just then, the window broke, the creature was suddenly thrown off of me. Seizing this opportunity, I quickly got up and backed away when I see a figure jumping in  through the window.

   Just when the creature recovered from being thrown, the figure charge towards it with something that seems like a sword in hand. What the hell is happening right now? I place my hands to my cheeks. Am I dreaming? Giving a quick pinch.

   No, I'm awake and everything is happening for real. The figure slashing the creature with it's sword with every chance he gets. The creature beginning to let out a yelp at every slash it receive. Kicking the figure into the air then crashing into the coffee table.

   The table shattered to pieces. With clenched teeth, he pulled out a shard of glass from his palm before proceeding to chase after the creature.

   I stood there watching as the figure slice the creature in half causing it to disappearing into thin air. I look around at the messed up room from the battle before returning my gaze to the figure.

   I froze at the sight of the figure. Not because it was scary nor frightening but I was shocked… completely! It's clothing are all so familiar - except this one had some blood on it from the crash with the coffee table.

   I got goosebumbs all over myself at the though that, that figure is him.

   He turns around giving a better view of his face.

   I crouch down, hands covering my face. No way why must it be him, again! My hunch was correct the so-called white haired prince that had saved me once, strikes again.

   Why can't it be someone else, it just has to him, hasn't it. It just has to be NOAH!



Oh look Noah strikes again! And I called him prince~

As you all could tell this story focuses on Hanna… well it's not! It also focuses on Noah too, and some four other peeps that you will meet along the way. But, it's mostly on Hanna and Noah. Okay, why am I ranting about this all of a sudden?

Anywho, the next chapter I might be able to publish it faster since it'll be a short chapter. Why short? Well, you'll see why~


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