Chapter 1

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My eyelids flung open at the sound of the alarm clock. Ugh... so annoying. I pull the blanket over my head trying to block out the sound.

It's been about a month since Madam Layla left and it's also in that time period I've been having dreams about the story that she told me when I was 4.

"Hanna! Wake up!"

I bolted out of bed as something hit. A pillow!?

"Aha... you're finally awake!" I turn towards the direction of the voice. I finding Izzie standing beside my bed with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Good morning, Hanna." She greet with a smirk on her face.

"Yea... yeah..." I pull back my bangs before turning off the alarm clock.

"Seriously, Hanna. If you keep this up... you'll never find a boyfriend." I quickly throw back the pillow. But, she was able to dodge it and run out the room laughing. Damn you!

I lazily got out of bed. I grab my towel before going into the bathroom to shower.

As soon as I got out of the bathroom, I grab a black skirt, a white t-shirt and my favorite light blue hoodie. After I got dress, I went to my dressing table and start brushing my waist long hair. I sometimes though about chopping it off, I keep having second thoughts.

I quickly tie and clip my hair up as soon as I was finish brushing it. I grab my bag and ribbon, tying it over my bangs while walking out of the room to the dining room. As usual, I was always the last one to arrive. The others had already gathered at the table, enjoying their breakfast.

"Morning, guys!" I greet, stepping into the room.


"Had a good night sleep, Hanna?" A boy ask.

"Why is it that you're such a busy-body, Quinn?" I answer him with a question.

"Just asking. Don't know... if you had a nightmare you'd want to talk about." Quinn says with a laugh. The others joining in.

"Like that's gonna happen." I roll my eyes.

I walk to the table, grab a piece of toast and spreading jam on it. Just when I was about to take a bite of my toast...

"We're done!"

"Me too!"

"I'm going!"

"See ya guys later!"

Everyone has left leaving only me, Izzie and Quinn.

I bite a piece of my toast before speakin. "Well, I'd better get going to. Bye!" Heading foe the door.

"Bye-bye!" Izzie waves.

"Want to get a l lift!" Quinn ask.

"Not interested!" I answer Quinn before walking out the door. I quickly run for the bus stop and the same time munching on my toast. Hope I'm not late.

As soon as I reach the bus stop, the school bus has just arrive. "Yes, right on time." I cheer to myself.

I get onto the bus. Practically, panting like I just ran a marathon.

I look around. The seats are full! Great now I have to stand the entire ride to school. Just my luck! Oh wait, there's one seat empty.

I walk towards the person next to the empty seat. I open my mouth. "Um... excuse me." Tapping on his shoulder.

He shrugs. Turning his head a bit, glancing at me from the corner of his eyes. "Yes?" He responds.

"Uh... is that spot taken?"


"So... can I sit there?"

"Sure." He adjusts himself, making some space for me to slid to the seat.

"Thanks." I whisper before sliding onto the seat.

"Welcome." He answers also in a whispering tone.

After I got comfy in my seat, I glance at my side. He's just sitting there, stiff, like a mannequin. I can't see much of his face. The fact that he's wearing his hat so low that it's covering his eyes and you won't even know if he's glancing back at you. His scarf wrapped around his neck over his chin. Not to mention his messy hair. Wait. A. Minute. His hair... their... WHITE!

How is it possible? Why does he have white hair? Unless, he's actually an old man! Buy, why would an old man be on my school bus. Or, he is a boy with white hair, it's not really weird... since I have blue streaks in my hair. But, he might have bleached them. That might be more logical explanation.

Is it possible that he's an albino? I knew about them and I've even seen photos of them. But, I've never seen one in person.

The bus stops causing the boy to flinch. I quickly run my gaze out the window, hopping he didn't notice me staring at him. Oh, we've reach the school. How time flies when you're busy examining someone.

I turn my gaze back slowly, he's gone! I place my palms to my cheeks. Hot! This is the first time I've ever blush this bad. I smack my cheeks a few times, trying to lessen the blushing. After I think my cheeks have turn back to normal, I quickly get off of the bus.

Xylia ~Twilight War~Where stories live. Discover now