Chapter 9

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   Noah ran. Ran as fast as he could. His dark hair ruffles in the fast breeze, his emerald eyes glistened with tears.

   The mansion was burning, his family was on fire but he kept running… towards it! They have to get out, he have to get them out!

   The fire had already surrounded the entire mansion. He ran through the front door, black smoke filled the air, suffocating him. He wanted to get out - even if it meant leaving his family behind - but his feet wouldn't listen to him, they wouldn't cooperate! Instead, they took him to the flight of stairs.

   He ran up the stairs so fast it felt as if he was floating up them all, until he reached the top - the fourth floor.

   "Mom! Dad!" He called, turning frantically. "Aniki!"

   He ran through the burning halls. Opening every room he passed by, calling out to them, hoping to hear a respond. He continued to search.

   The halls felt longer than it should have been. They will be alright! He said to himself but more likely praying.

   They will be alright! They just have to be!

   He then passed a mirror, glancing at it and noticing that something was off. He stopped in his track. Examining himself.

   He had grown - no longer a seven-year-old - his dark hair had been bleached and his eyes… had turned into a bright crimson red -just like the flames. He felt the urge of wanting to break the mirror into tiny pieces along with 'himself' but merely clenched his fist into a ball.

   A scream was heard echoing through the halls followed by a gunshot. He spun around, towards a door at the end of the hall. Without hesitation, he ran for the door -forgetting about the mirror and the 'unfamiliar' boy in it.

   That voice… it belonged to… his mother'

   "Mom!" He screamed, slamming the door open.

   He gasped. The room was clear of smoke and seemed as if it was untouched by the blaze, but he still felt impossible to breath.

   The room was white, wide, grand like a ballroom and was clean of any filth -except for one thing. In center, stood four individuals or to be exact one. The others lay lifeless on the floor, surrounded by a pool of blood. The man held a gun in one hand and a sword in the other, pierced through the chest of one of the three - Aniki!

   Noah's eyes widen in horror as he watched the man pull out the sword. The body dropped and the sword was now covered in a fresh layer of blood.

   Noah legs gave way and he fell to his knees, trembling. No, it's not true!

   "Mom! Dad! Aniki!" He shrieked.

   Not at all showing any startlement, the man turned to him. Blood stained his dark clothes. He showed no emotion as he observed him. When suddenly a smirk started to spread across his face -sending chills down Noah's spine.

   "You can't stop me." The man's voice echoed through the entire room.

   Noah looked down. He placed his hands against his ears -trying his best to block out the voice- , eyes closed shut before opening his mouth.

   "Don't be ridiculous."

   His eyes widen. That wasn't his voice. It belonged to a female and it came from behind him. He spun around and was shocked to find… Hanna! Standing tall, determination in face, unwavered by the dark man.

   What is she doing here? Noah asked himself.

   "You will be stopped. The bad ones will always… fall."

   The ground shakes and crumbled under their feet at the word. Finally, the floor fell underneath them.


   Noah jolted awake at the falling sensation he felt. The curtains blew calmly, the moon's light illuminating through the translucent curtains.

   He breathed heavily. His body covered in sweat. His scarlet eyes wide open, clearly showing his horror.

   He turned to his and grabbed the scarf he hung on the bed frame. Hot tears began to stream down his pale cheeks onto the scarf. He clutched and hugged it tightly, burrying his face in it.

   "The hell… Why the hell did I have to dream of that. That damn dastard." He whispered into the soft clothe.

   "And why was she there, too?" He raised his head and looked out the window. A questioning look on his face.

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