Chapter 8

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Noah's POV:

   I let out a heavy sigh. Ugh… I can't believe I have to stay here longer. I only came here because I sense she was in danger. I should have taken the chance and left when she was unconscious. But, I just have to want to clean up.

   She left me to make some drinks. I scratch my not itchy head. She even took my hat, just to make sure I don't run away. How clever of her.

   I whip around when I sense her coming back and… she's wearing my hat. "Really, Hanna, really. You're seriously going to wear my hat." I commented.

   "What? I think I look good in it." She placed the tray on the table. "There you go, hot chocolate. Drink up." She gives a sweet smile. Does this girl have a split-personality? Cause if I remember correctly, she was like a ferocious lion a moment ago and now she's like a dainty princess.

   "What?" She raise an eye brow when she notice I was staring at her.

   I just sigh and tool a sip from my mug. The hot chocolate tastes so delicious. I should ask Amy to make some of this often.

   "Hey, Noah. Can I ask you something?"

   "Huh?" I look up from my mug, to see her putting on a serious face. I have a bad feeling about this.

   "Explain to me what happened just now." I almost chock on my drink. I knew it! The question that I really wanted to avoid.

   "Uh... um... what do you mean?" I try to act dumb. Huh… like that's gonna work.

   "You know! That dog thing, jumping through the window, the dissapearing sword trick and… uh… never mind the last one for a while." Of course it doesn't work.

   "Umm… It's actually hard to explain everything from the sta-"

   "Then just explain what I just ask." She cut me mid sentence. I stare at her. She's really isn't the patient type, is she.


   "About those dog thing."

   "They're shadow creatures." I corrected her.


   "Those things are called shadow creature or monsters  of the dark. They are monsters that are formed and manipulated by a master."

   "Uh… huh. Why did jump in through the window?" She ask the second question.

   "Oh… that's because the door was lock." I answer immediately.

   "No it's not." She respond.

   "It's not?!" My eyes grew wider at her statement.


   "Oh… well… you should. It's dangerous to keep it unlock when you're alone." Like what is this girl thinking. Leaving the door unlock at night and alone. Isn't she afraid if a burglar or pedophile suddenly come in like that?

   "Whatever…" She shrugs. "The dissapearing sword trick, what about that?" She shot me the another question.

   "Well, that's just plain talent." I chuckle at the end of my words.

   "Don't screw with me Noah." She glares at my statement.

   "He-hey, I'm telling the truth you know. No need to glare at me." I raise my hand in a surrendering way. Can't she take a joke? Even though it wasn't a joke.

   "How is doing that talent? It was obviously magic."

   "You could say it's magic but you could also say it's not."

Xylia ~Twilight War~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt