Chapter 3

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The school bell rings meaning thet end of school. I get up from my seat after I've finish packing my stuff. Sunny walk towards me at my table.

"See you tomorrow, Noah." Sunny waves to him when he walks pass my table. Since, he seats next to the window which is also next to me. He only waves back from behind.

"Well, isn't he the quiet type." Sunny pounts. "I could bully him~" She smirks.

"Don't you think he's kinda arrogant?" I ask, hanging my bag over my shoulder.

"Why would you think that?" She ask as we walk out of the class.

"I don't know... he just seems like it."

."You know what they say 'Never judge a book by it's cover.'"

"Right." I mutter under my breath.

"Hey, what say, you go talk to him tomorrow." She nudges my shoulder. "Try getting to know each other." She pokes my arm rapidly.

"What!? Why me?" My eyes widen with by her idea. Like... why me? Can't she use someone else? I can't even talk with a normal human being, let alone a white haired transfer student!

"Because, dear friend of mine, he sits next to the window. That means he only one person sitting next to him and that person... is you Hanna."

I sigh. "Whatever." I mutter under my breath.

We reach our lockers. I put in my textbooks and only take the one that have homework to be work on.

"Hey, Hanna. Wanna hang out later." Sunny ask after she slam her locker shut.

"I'd love to!" I answer happily. "But, I can't."

"Eh! Why not!"

"I promised the twin I would buy them ice-cream today."

"Why is that you always have to buy things for those two?"

"I lost a bet to them. AGAIN!" I slam my locker in frustration. I always lose a bet when it's with the twins. It must have been because they cheated, those bastards.

"Maybe you should stop betting with those two."

"I can't... it's just so tempting. Those little demons!" We finally reach the front gate. Where suddenly a nearby BMW honks at us.

"Oh, that's my ride. See ya tomorrow, Hanna." She exclaims.

"Okay. Hey, wait. Weren't you talking about hanging out just now." I was clearly confused. Since, she asked me if I wanted to hang out. But now, there she is about to leave me and go home.

"Oh, about that. I was actually planning about hanging out at my place. Bye." She explains before getting into her car.

She waves at me from her window as her car starts to drive off. I wave back, until it dissapear from my sight.

I let out a sigh. "Better get going. Not wanting to leave those little demons waiting." I mutter before walking out of the school's perimeter.


I stood by the street waiting for the right time to cross. Yes, I'm walking home to school. You could say it's a habit of mine to go to school by bus and walk home. It's also my daily exercise. Even if I don't have to buy ice-cream.

I munch a bit of the ice-cream. Yes, I bought an ice-cream for myself. I like ice-cream too, you know. I look to the plastic bag in my left hand. I better hurry or else the ice-cream would melt.

I glace to my right then to my left. Clear! I start to cross the road. Just as I was half way, I hear a loud roar nearby.

I whip to my right, to see a truck speeding towards me. I froze as I watch in horror as the truck came closer, bigger! My voice stuck in my throat, unable to scream.

I close my eyes bracing myself for the impact that would take my life.



I know what you gonna think.

"Pfft... typical plot line."

"The heroin won't get hit."

"Of course the heroine will be saved by the hero."

Well... you're exactly correct. Give yourself a round of applause *clap hands*

Well then, off to write the next chapter~ *flies to le lappy*


Xylia ~Twilight War~Where stories live. Discover now