Part 7: Jesse isn't short. She's vertically challenged.

Start from the beginning

"...Yeah," Romeo answered. Jesse raised an eyebrow.

"You know I can still see you, right?" Jesse questioned. Romeo's cheeks became tinted with a bright red. At least he hadn't started to change into his sleepwear yet. That would have been so much worse.

"I- Can you just close your eyes and open them when I tell you to?" Romeo stammered.

"Sure," Jesse responded. She shut her eyes tightly. Romeo began to take off his v neck t-shirt. "Can I open my eyes now?" Jesse checked. Romeo finished removing the v neck t-shirt from his torso and dropped it to the floor.

"Definitely not. I can't get changed in only three bloody seconds," Romeo grumbled. Romeo pulled the white v neck t-shirt over his head and moved his arms into its sleeves.

"Now?" Jesse questioned. Romeo let out an exasperated sigh.

"No, not now!" Romeo hissed. He quickly removed his jeans and put on the pajama shorts, then he kicked off his shoes.

"Now?" Jesse repeated. Romeo walked up to Jesse.

"Yeah. Now," Romeo told her. Jesse opened her eyes and examined Romeo.

"Does everything fit okay?" Jesse asked. Romeo stared down at his t-shirt and pajama shorts. They looked and felt like they were the perfect size. His expression became one of shock.

"It actually fits perfectly," Romeo observed. Jesse's eyes widened.

"Seriously? You're almost a foot taller than me," Jesse replied. Jesse's eyes darted from Romeo's head to his feet. She blinked in disbelief. "Well, uh, you were. How did-?" Jesse began in a confused tone. She waved her hand in dismissal. "Never mind. I've gotten to the point where I just accept this stuff as normal. Giant floating black mass that's reducing the world to bedrock? Totally normal. An evil talking computer that's controlling people's minds? Yep, I'm used to that. A talking snowman? Just another day in Beacontown!" Jesse sighed. She finished her statement by slapping a hand to her forehead. "Nothing is too weird anymore," Jesse mumbled. Romeo sat on the edge of the white bed. Jesse climbed into the bed above it and plopped down onto the edge. "I still don't know why Aiden wanted the enchanted flint and steel, the Atlas, the Redstone Heart, the Withered Nether Star, and the Golden Gauntlet. It's a really weird combination of items," Jesse commented.

"I can tell it's nagging at the back of your mind," Romeo said.

"Yeah, it is. Let's see... enchanted flint and steel, Atlas, Redstone Heart, Withered Nether Star, Golden Gauntlet- do the first letters spell out any words?" Jesse questioned. Romeo thought about it for a few seconds.

"It spells out 'wager,' but I doubt that means anything," Romeo told her. Jesse sat on the side of her bed and crossed her arms in annoyance. She didn't seem to like being perplexed.

"Crud. I thought it'd be an acrostic or something. Maybe he's trying to do something he needs all the items for? Like, building a machine...? I dunno," Jesse sighed. Romeo contemplated her second theory. He beamed once he'd realized its merit. Romeo then clapped his hands together in delight, which made him teleport right next to Jesse... though he didn't realize it. Jesse didn't notice his teleportation either because she was staring off into space in thought.

"I actually think you're right. The Redstone Heart was PAMA's power source and the rest of the items have some kind of mechanism in them as well," Romeo realized. Jesse's head whipped in his direction. Once she saw that Romeo was sitting next to her, she yelped. Jesse touched a hand to her heart and her breathing became slightly heavier. A few moments later, her breathing returned to normal.

"Oh my Notch, you scared me! How did you even get here that quickly?" Jesse exclaimed. Romeo blinked in surprise. As far as he knew, he hadn't moved at all.

"I... don't... know?" Romeo said in an unconfident tone. Jesse glanced at Romeo's bed, which now had fading purple particles where Romeo was sitting previously.

"Holy crud, you just teleported," Jesse stated. Romeo couldn't keep himself from bouncing in his seat and smiling like an idiot. It was embarrassing, but would've been worse if he'd let out an ecstatic squeal... which he managed to hold back. Jesse grinned and stifled a laugh. "So, uh, you said something about the Redstone Heart being a power source?" Jesse asked. Romeo closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and managed to regain his composure.

"When you said the Blaze Rods wanted to use all of the items to build a machine, you were right. Each one has something mechanical in it, especially the Redstone Heart- which is a strong technological power source," Romeo told her. Jesse's eyebrows rose about half an inch.

"'Technological?' I've never really seen you as a redstone engineer," Jesse replied. Romeo smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hey what can I say? Me and the redstone just... speak to each other," Romeo told her. This was followed by a snicker from Jesse.

"Did you just quote me?" Jesse asked. Romeo beamed at Jesse and nodded, which caused her to laugh. "Okay, now that we have some idea of what the Blaze Rods are planning... let's go to bed. We have an early morning tomorrow," Jesse told him. She walked to the light switch, flicked it to the "off" position, and climbed onto her bed. She laid down on her bed and pulled her light blue blanket over herself. "G'night," Jesse said.

"Yeah. See you in the morning," Romeo answered. He glanced at Jesse, who shut her eyes and began to slumber. She looked so peaceful while she was sleeping, as if all of the stress she was currently experiencing had somehow melted away. No wonder Xara- Romeo's former friend who now hated him because he killed Fred, their friend- liked sleep so much. Romeo smiled at Jesse warmly, then he laid down in his bed and covered his body with the bed's white blanket. Romeo shut his eyes and fell asleep instantly.

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